So i ran into this interesting problem.
Im creating a particle effect which in the editor is told to move in the +y direction. in the editor it does exactly what it is told to do and it also does it in the world. Untill i rotate the emitter that it will be coming out from by 90 degrees. after i rotate the emitter if i play the level again the particle is emitting in the -y direction!?
the bizarre thing is. the particlesystem used multiple particle sprite emitters, and the other emitters rotate just fine. it's just this one which is stubborn for some reason.
Thanks in advance for any help solving this.
Also do you have this emitter set to rotate to the perspective of the camera or is it a stationary particle effect?
When you say it's moving in the +Y direction, is it doing so within the actual particle system (via a module in Cascade like initial location)? Or are you animating it in the world through Matinee?
If it's the 1st, I'd recommend going into your velocity module and checking the option for "In World Space". See if that fixes your issue.
When i fire at the first walls on the right side of the building. you can see the default particle material shoot out and fall down. This particle acts as an emitter which is creating the falling smoke.
However, When i fire at the building on the left side. Youll see that it goes in the opposite direction. even though the rubble (physx mesh particle system) is going in the correct direction.
what i have simply done is select the emitters which are working, copied them and then rotated them 90 degrees to face the correct way.
@ImbueFX, I Tried checking in world space, However that resulted in it falling straight down after being turned. (still works properly on the right wall)
EDIT: FIXED: fixed by checking "use local space" in the required module.