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If Not Game Art, Then What?

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Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
It's been very dry in the game art field lately, what with the layoffs flooding the job market with highly talented, highly hireable artists, leaving guys like me unemployed for longer periods of time. Coupled with varying other factors, of course. This is making me look at different avenues for making income.

So, if game art is not an option right at the moment, then what would you guys do? Trying to keep this art related, by the way. I know I can run up to QFC, or Taco Time and make a paycheck there, but I'm really wondering what other avenues there are that I haven't thought of already.

Oh, and I did a search, and didn't find this question here. If it has already been asked and answered, please link me. Thanks


  • Zepic
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    Zepic polycounter lvl 11
    Graphic Design.
    Sell models on Turbo Squid, CG Trader etc.
    Sell hats for TF2.
    Sell Dota items.
    Motion graphics for production houses, news stations etc.
    Freelance work.
    Web Design.

    You just have to get creative, a big part of being a commercial artist is marketing yourself. Also, if you're not getting work in the industry, it's not always that there's not enough work, sometimes it's your portfolio. (whether it be quality, or what you have in it {example, sci-fi but the company is looking for fantasy}).
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    Depending on your location, simulation and courseware might be an option as well. Around here there's usually a few different companies bidding for contracts, and in order to help get them they need to have a potential staff of developers lined up in case they do. It's probably not as appealing if you're the kind of person that likes the design aspect of 3d art, but if you're content with just modeling and animating and find yourself making things like guns and helicopters anyway, it can be a solid alternative for putting the same skills to use.
  • marks
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    marks greentooth
    Personally, I'm looking at trying to get into film VFX - lots of crossovers between those industries in many areas !
  • Zepic
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    Zepic polycounter lvl 11
    Oh yeah, Cryrid just made me think of a few more ideas.

    Courtroom simulations. I've been contacted by law firms in the past to just model some cars, a train and setup an auto accident re-enactment. Might be cool to put on in a game engine, complete with physics.

    Arch Viz. I see a lot of arch viz companies using the Cryengine for real time walk arounds of buildings, houses etc. A lot of times architechts don't have time or don't want to get it into an actual engine because they don't know how. You could offer them those services.

    Teaching. I've known guys who would set up certificate classes at the local Community College, they'd teach basic environment art and UDK.
  • skankerzero
    Stunt Driver.

    not kidding. I'd love to run off to Hollywood and learn how to drive cars like a mad man.
  • Jonas Ronnegard
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    Jonas Ronnegard polycount sponsor
    smaller commercial and editing companies tend to pay good money for average skill "not saying thats you"
  • Shadownami92
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    Shadownami92 polycounter lvl 7
    I'm personally looking into working on stop motion animation, so far it's been a pretty good balance of 3d computer art and hands on stuff.
  • Joopson
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    Joopson quad damage
    I'd probably be making furniture, or studying traditional botany, or writing, or something. Or opening a small store that sells stuff I make.

    Something totally unrelated to 3D.
  • Lamont
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    Lamont polycounter lvl 16
    Take a look at pre-vis.
  • Wahlgren
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    Wahlgren polycounter lvl 17
    I'd like to work with awesome animals somewhere. Not as a farmer mind you.
  • EmAr
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    EmAr polycounter lvl 18
    I completed my metallurgy degree almost only for this reason but it would be a sad day for me if I ever have to go back to a steel factory or a foundry.
  • leleuxart
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    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    I always considered that whenever I get burnt out on games, I'd look into VFX or teaching game art. I can't see myself living on retail jobs, since I'm already burnt out on working at Target during college. :poly121:

    Edit: I'd probably also look into another position with game creation too. Personally, I like making environments in general and that's like 2 or 3+ different positions at a lot of studios I think.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Assuming you don't have a spotty background you could always try for Serious Games (Govt Simulation.) The upside is, it pays pretty well but the downside is that some place use older engines.
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    Industrial design companies as well.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    Wow, that's a lot more options than I was expecting. Thanks so much for the suggestions, I'll be looking into several of those. Also, it's pretty cool hearing some of the alternative career choices of some of you guys. :)

    A couple more questions though. Certain things like Graphic Design, and Archviz, don't you need a degree to get hired? Also, since I've never looked into it, is previs hard to get into, or understand?

    One of the main reasons I asked the original question is, I've been out of work for over a month now, and only get the "if we have 'X' we'll give you an email" kind of replies to my applications. Things are piling up, and I desperately need work, like right now. My family and I are in a place where we can't pick up stakes and move to where the studio jobs are, so I Know that's kneecapping me, but there's not much I can do about it right now.

    So, I've been looking for something else I can do, and be able to get hired right away. I reqlly appreciate all the suggestions, and I will be looking into them today to see how many are realistic for me at this point. But I'm sure your posts are helping others with the same question, so keep them comming if you have more. Thanks again, guys
  • JohnnyRaptor
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    JohnnyRaptor polycounter lvl 15
    Something iv been thinking about recently which might be a bit farfetched is medical sculpting for limb replacement. Anyone know anything about that ?
  • Richard Kain
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    Richard Kain polycounter lvl 18
    I've never actually worked in the game industry in any capacity. I wasn't willing to move, and the employers in my area have dried up something awful.

    My fallback career has been web design and coding. I've found a respectable number of opportunities for this, and am actually doing pretty well at the moment. I've got a contract gig working on the graphical front-end of an enterprise application written in Java that pays well and is really close to my house.

    Front-end web development has been decently rewarding, and it has helped to bolster several technical skills that I've been able to apply directly to my personal game design projects.
  • The Mad Artist
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    The Mad Artist polycounter lvl 13
    I was going to make an entire thread about this with all the layoffs going around, but I’ll just post it here instead. Game artists need to look into simulation work. That’s what my full time gig has been for about 6 ½ years now after graduating.

    First off, there’s Serious Games, and then there’s simulation. There is a big difference between a game that is supposed to teach kids about firefighting, and a military sim that is running in a killhouse that Navy Seals train on with live ammo.
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ASIJCF17z6g"]Laser Shot Virtual Shoot House 2 - YouTube[/ame]

    I started at a military simulation company shown above, that mainly focused on military sims that utilized self healing screens and thermal cameras that picked up the heat of the bullet impact, so we could provide real training to the army, navy, etc that focused on using live ammo, as well as offering laser weapons that provided realistic kick back. We were shown on Kotaku awhile back:

    We had our own engine, that granted was very limited in what we could do, but we also sold VBS2 (the military simulation version of ARMA) so we did work in that engine as well, and around the time I left, we had started using UDK. In the past they had done home theater and arcade games as well. I was able to work on a boat simulator that had a life sized boat on hydraulics, a sniper simulation that utilized a small screen inside the scope and tons of other cool stuff.

    I left there and now work at Forum Energy Technologies in the ROV Simulation side of things.

    ..where basically we work on a simulator that provides training for ROV pilots, but we’ve also branched out to do rescue subs, trenchers, etc.
    From working at both places, I can say the work itself changes constantly. It’s a client driven market, and many times you’ll be working on multiple projects at one time if a high paying client talks to a sales guy at a trade show and requests a product that does a specific thing. At any one time I can be working on real time assets, as well as a promo video. These teams are usually small, and especially as an artist, you really have to be a jack of all trades. I’ve been here a year and have done everything from modeling and texturing real time assets, to jumping into After Effects and Premiere and putting together promo reels and animations where I did everything, video, sound, etc; to then jumping into marketing brochures and print media. It was the same at my last job. It's fast paced at times, and as such, deadlines can change constantly and you have to get used to that. You sometimes don't get to polish everything the way you want.

    There’s always something to work on, and as such (at least in my experience and from other people I know that do this), it’s a lot more stable than the gaming market. I currently work with 3 other guys that have backgrounds working in the gaming industry, and the idea of working at a place where it’s a lot more stable is a huge plus. It’s satisfying work, and while I still would love to work at a dedicated game studio or in film vfx someday, I can put away a good amount of money with each paycheck so if ever one of those opportunities opened up, I would have a hefty savings to fall back on in case of layoffs.

    Flight simulations, military, oil and gas; there’s a lot of work out there.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Polycount is sort of my 'what else?' already.
  • nick2730
  • PixelMasher
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    PixelMasher veteran polycounter
    for me I would kick it up on the DJ'ing front and spend more time in the night life, or focus on becoming a dating/pickup coach.
  • mystichobo
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    mystichobo polycounter lvl 12
    Joopson wrote: »
    I'd probably be making furniture, or studying traditional botany, or writing, or something. Or opening a small store that sells stuff I make.

    Something totally unrelated to 3D.

    Yeah same,

    I'd also quite like to do all the pilot training stuff and give aerial tours in a light aircraft or something.
  • R3D
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    R3D interpolator
    I've been doing compositing jobs for tv shows for the past year and a half now :x
  • oXYnary
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    oXYnary polycounter lvl 18
  • J0NNYquid
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    J0NNYquid polycounter lvl 5
    Something iv been thinking about recently which might be a bit farfetched is medical sculpting for limb replacement. Anyone know anything about that ?

    A kid I grew up with does exactly that. Posts pictures all the time of limbs he's made, seems pretty cool.

    As for me, if I had was going to stay in a 3D-ish job I'd probably go the arch-viz route. Though if I were to just up and quit the 3D Art/Computer world, I'd be a park ranger or something that would allow me to be outside. I think owning my own landscaping company is my secret dream job.
  • IchII3D
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    IchII3D polycounter lvl 12
    It could be worth identifying exactly what you like to do, I don't means a specific job. But what type of work it all involves. As an example, I like to be creative. But I also like fixing or figuring out how stuff works, gain an understanding and putting everything into perspective. I also enjoy to mentally break down things down, deconstruct them and understand them. Add in a bit of perfectionist also, always wanting things to fit in place. Having everything lined up and... in place.

    I could keep rambling but look at yourself and what you actually enjoying doing at its core and you might realize you would enjoy a fairly wide range of jobs.
  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    A couple months ago I couldn't cook to save my life. Kraft boxed mac and cheese was the extent of my ability. For my new years resolution I decided to change that. Each weekend I try and cook a new fancy dish. And I've been loving it. I certainly see the craft, creativity, and artistry that goes into being a good chef. If I didn't love game art as much as I do, I'd probably be a chef.
  • Zepic
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    Zepic polycounter lvl 11
    Something iv been thinking about recently which might be a bit farfetched is medical sculpting for limb replacement. Anyone know anything about that ?

    Well, this sort of pertains to limb replacement...

    A few years back I was working on a Mod and one of the guys did ZBrush sculpting for a company that manufactures the Fleshlight. Turns out the guy sitting next to him modeled giant penis sculptures (I think they're called dildos) that were printed out in 3d.
    It was hilarious when he mentioned how the leads would come by and comment on his work... "Make it veinier, more bumps, bigger, more veins..." :poly142:

    I guess you gotta do what you gotta do; right? He said the money was great and he got free samples... whatever that means.
  • RezNik
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    RezNik triangle
    Ha ha, free samples I'd have to pass on, but hey, a paycheck is a paycheck.... which I've been lacking for the past few months.

    Lately, I've been thinking really hard about going back to school to finish the CS degree I started long time ago. That or web design.

    I'd like to get into web design first but Looks like you need a degree for that.

    People keep telling me to "hang in there you'll find something" but the reality is game companies seem to be dying up and the industry norm is a state of flux.
    I used to think I'd be ok with the ebbs and flow of the gaming industry.
    Now that have a house payment, car payment, wife.... not so much. IDK, but I gotta do something soon.
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    I recently got hired as a part time instructor at the game art school I graduated from in September. Great people, great pay. A lot of fun. Still looking for a full time job here in Vancouver (so i can justify being an instructor haha)...which seems to be impossible.

    If I were to pick a different career path, it would probably be something outdoorsy. Studying reptiles, probably. I've also always wanted to be in an orchestra.

    At least I'm young and mobile...It would be rough having a wife/house/car. That's a ton of responsibility. I really hope the best for you!

    (this thread, man. all of my feels...)
  • mystichobo
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    mystichobo polycounter lvl 12
    skylebones wrote: »
    A couple months ago I couldn't cook to save my life. Kraft boxed mac and cheese was the extent of my ability. For my new years resolution I decided to change that. Each weekend I try and cook a new fancy dish. And I've been loving it. I certainly see the craft, creativity, and artistry that goes into being a good chef. If I didn't love game art as much as I do, I'd probably be a chef.

    Just promise me this, if you ever do become a chef, don't be a dick. I've had enough bad experiences with chefs at hotels and bars that I've worked at that it isn't funny, it's almost like some weird tradition to become grumpy.

    Then again, I've met some really awesome chefs who are a joy to work with too, be one of those chefs!
  • HAWK12HT
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    HAWK12HT polycounter lvl 13
    S*** I am in same boat with you folks :l, No job stress and thinking of doing awesome art for portfolio is driving me insane.

    As for Teejay mate you should look into companies in Dubai (www.dubizzle.com) every day they need archviz with architect degree. Yes good companies cover all travel stuff, plus point if you are EU or from State side you dont even need to worry about visa :D.

    As for me Im seriously considering running up my online Design Studio, covering web design only (coding not my department, so need to hire someone), Arch Viz, Brand Ads, Print (business cards, invitation cards, Photo editing) and 3D game models. Also thinking of adding stuff like Scott Robertson :D. (reminds me that i need to work on my drawing skills using 3DS max splines :D)
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    TeeJay wrote: »
    I'm in a similar position. Just bought a house, and there's only one games company within 50 miles from me, and it's not exactly a fantastic company either.

    Short of obscure parts of Scotland and Wales, there's barely a part of the UK that doesn't have a games studio nearby - there are probably more studios in the UK than the rest of Western Europe combined. Where the heck are you?
  • Snacuum
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    Snacuum polycounter lvl 9
    I always thought a good fallback for me would be games reviewing or journalism. Of course when I thought that I didn't know that it would require just as much 110% effort as anything else (like most professions).

    Thankfully I'm right this very second doing a uni project where I'm making a mini games rag and well I dunno...
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    TeeJay wrote: »
    I'm not sure I should say after criticising the studio! I'm in Warwickshire. I just remembered there's Codemasters, which isn't the studio I was criticising.

    Having done a search, seems Playground Games are also nearby, as well as a couple of smaller studios who may or may not still be in business... guess I underestimated the local area!

    There are loads of studios in that area; heck, Microsoft have one of their biggest games offices in Warwickshire (Rare). Then of course there's Blitz....
  • Baj Singh
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    Baj Singh polycounter lvl 9
    I'm not sure I should say after criticising the studio! I'm in Warwickshire. I just remembered there's Codemasters, which isn't the studio I was criticising.

    Having done a search, seems Playground Games are also nearby, as well as a couple of smaller studios who may or may not still be in business... guess I underestimated the local area!

    Your next to Leamington Spa. Thats like the game dev hub of the UK....
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    Well, with the exception of the London-Brighton area - but that's the hub of almost everything.
  • skylebones
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    skylebones polycounter lvl 10
    mystichobo wrote: »
    Just promise me this, if you ever do become a chef, don't be a dick. I've had enough bad experiences with chefs at hotels and bars that I've worked at that it isn't funny, it's almost like some weird tradition to become grumpy.

    Then again, I've met some really awesome chefs who are a joy to work with too, be one of those chefs!

    No worries about that! Been in games for so long I honestly can't imagine doing anything else. And my cooking is still pretty mediocre.
  • MagicSugar
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    MagicSugar polycounter lvl 10
    Jeremy-S wrote: »
    So, if game art is not an option right at the moment, then what would you guys do? Trying to keep this art related, by the way.

    Screenplay Writer (art painted in words, yeah?)

    Iron Man 3 director Shane Black wrote Lethal Weapon when he was 24. Sold it for around $250K (he's first sale).

    Pre-internet you really have to move to LA to get in the biz. But now it's possible to get discovered by just joining recognized writers contests online. Can't recall exactly but someone wrote something for fun, casted it on reddit and based on feedbacks got an agency to back him up. I think he sold it but I'm not sure. If I remember correctly he quit his IT job to polish it.

    If somebody options your spec script you can negotiate payment from $50k to mid $100k (this is just for the noob scale, real guys sell multi-million at this point).

    Somebody in the (or originally from) game biz successful with this? Google Gary Whitta, writer of Book of Eli. He's also involved in writing for Will Smith's After Earth.
  • praetus
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    praetus interpolator
    Magic Sugar are you thinking of the "Rome, Sweet Rome" story?
  • NyneDown
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    NyneDown polycounter lvl 11
    I worked as a graphic designer for 5 years before working where I'm at now. The pay was decent and required a graphic design degree or a similar degree...in my case, Media Arts/Computer Animation. So it's possible to go that route if all else fails. I took that job as my "plan B" just to pay bills and get some real world experience. Previous to that, I was delivering supplies to hospitals for a lot less money..so it was a no brainer.

    But if I wasnt working on game art, I'd like to work on motorcycles. I have a 2007 Suzuki Gxsr 600 that's like my second wife. A friend of mine actually had to go get training for it, so it would be like an entirely different career path...but definitely one I'd consider if I had to.
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    There's so many great and varied responses here! This is just another reason why I love polycount.

    ReZnik, I'm right there with ya, man. I don't have a house payment, but a $1200 a month apartment rent payment, I might as well. I got married last year, so I have a step son, and wife to provide for now. Luckily my wife is a paralegal, and damn good at her job. But in December, the firm she was with let her go, and she was out of work for several months. She starts again on Monday at a new place that is perfect, but has low pay.

    I'm getting desperate, I NEED a job. Is there anyone from an art outsourcing company, that has positions open? I thrive in those places, and most of experience is in art outsourcing. If you know of any openings, please let me know. A link to my portfolio is in my signature.
  • SnowInChina
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    SnowInChina interpolator
    iam working for a big car manufacturer as modeller
    i' am mainly modelling seats, footmats and all the stuff that looks horrible as CAD Construction Data
    shoot me a pm and i will provide you some info
  • RyanB
    Jeremy-S wrote: »
    So, if game art is not an option right at the moment, then what would you guys do? Trying to keep this art related, by the way. I know I can run up to QFC, or Taco Time and make a paycheck there, but I'm really wondering what other avenues there are that I haven't thought of already.

    From what you've posted so far, it sounds like you need an income, can't move, and still want to be an artist.

    I'd suggest an apprenticeship in a skilled trade and selling your art online in your spare time. An apprenticeship will pay you to learn and after four or five years pay you at least $30 an hour. Selling art online will allow you to make a very nice side income and works well with a full-time job.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    a little side note...

    if you are serious about game art, then your first priority should be a working portfolio with finished game art samples. no WIPs stuff.

    a blog is not nearly as efficient as a image gallery with thumbnails or straight up image scroll.

    during your downtime you should really think about fixing that.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Same stuff I do now, just more of it I suppose.

    DOTA 2
    Go full-time Indy
  • Jeremy-S
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    Jeremy-S polycounter lvl 11
    RyanB: Just to clarify, what do you mean by selling my art online? I've tried a few avenues for that, but want to be sure I understand what you mean by that.

    MM: I've tried understanding just making a website, but its so far over my head, that I haven't been able to find a single resource that makes any sense to me. I'm pretty stupid when it comes to web development, and programming. It's not willful stupidity, just stupidity. But I will look into it some more, thanks. Also, could you explain what you mean by "no WIPs stuff"? I don't have any WIPs on my site, unless you were using that as a general term, and not specific to me.

    JacquChoi: How do you go full-time Indy, and does it pay?

    Thanks for the suggestions, everyone. This is really helping me out. I've got a couple of things to go on now, and don't feel as aimless as I was when I started this thread. It's very much appreciated.
  • JacqueChoi
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    JacqueChoi polycounter
    Yeah, it would require starting up a small indy project with funding.

    There's plenty of avenues for funding (especially in Montreal), but the issue is really more about those funding sources having a lot of leverage over what we would make, and maintain a significant portion of creative control.

    As an American, you could totally go Kickstarter, and make a few 3D Prints. (Games are a lot less funded these days).

    Heck almost every Comic on there seems to hit its funding goal.
  • RyanB
    Jeremy-S wrote: »
    RyanB: Just to clarify, what do you mean by selling my art online? I've tried a few avenues for that, but want to be sure I understand what you mean by that.

    Unity Asset store is the best option.

    Think Ikea, not boutique. Flat-pack your art, sell it cheap and in volume.
  • MM
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    MM polycounter lvl 18
    Jeremy-S wrote: »
    MM: I've tried understanding just making a website, but its so far over my head, that I haven't been able to find a single resource that makes any sense to me. I'm pretty stupid when it comes to web development, and programming. It's not willful stupidity, just stupidity. But I will look into it some more, thanks. Also, could you explain what you mean by "no WIPs stuff"? I don't have any WIPs on my site, unless you were using that as a general term, and not specific to me.

    you dont need to make your own site from scratch. you can use portfolio sites like carbonmade, foliodrop or prosite. they should be fairly easy to install and have lot of themes to customize from. you can also install wordpress on your own domain/host and get a wordpress theme to do all the work of building your site. go to themeforest.net for WP themes. lot of great WP themes out there.
    you can also just make a simple html page with image scroll. it really doesnt take any coding knowledge to do that. search polycount and you even find simple html templates people posted.
    about the wip image, i was just saying in general.
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