Hey all,
I'm a little unsure about how setting up controls works in UDK, apart from that it involves using a playercontroller.ui script. But what I want to know is how to create the keybindings for a pawn in UDK, like say I wanted to control MyGamePawn, by pressing W to make him go forward and S to go back, and SPACE to make him jump, ect how do I archive setting up keybindings? Do I have to set up a .ini file to do it? Please help.
I've only ever modified the UDKInput.ini But it wasn't quite the same as what you want to do (although it would probably work) - I was just adding things like holding shift will make the player run, and adding cause events etc.
While I imagine you could do that (change the UDKInput.ini and just swap the key commands) I think the link has a much better method (creating a custom player input).
Hope that helps