Finally making a thread for this.
What is salvage:
In Salvage you play as a floating utility drone to mine, salvage, fight, build and progress through the game. Wildlife is your biggest enemy yet essential to your survival. Explore complex cave systems, the deeper you go = high risk, high reward mechanics.
Now for the current screenies that I will update over time, right now I am really looking for nit picky crit on the drone.

the background of your cave is insane noisy
You should care a bit more about color. Your main menu has a sheme that
dosnt really work. You need more contrast by saturation, its really uniform.
Also why if your logo grey ? Make it white.
The "S" in it is really off. It is wider and larger than the other letters for most part, + the line on top and the one on bottom have different spacing - try beeing consistent, thats really important.
Also take another font for your menu, something less boring which adds to the atmosphere. No need to take something super stereotype spacey however
"the background of your cave is insane noisy"
Yup! I either plan to decrease the tiling/contrast on that texture or if I have time actually make a larger scale baked texture.
When you say I should care a bit more about colour, is that across the board or more specifically for the main menu? What do you think is making it uniform, the fog/haze, general textures of everything? I am slightly confused by the terms 'Contrast by saturation' the background is quite de-saturated compared to the planet and the asteroids are of a completely different hue/value. Would appreciate elaboration.
I watched the new startrek tonight, definitely want to give the main menu screen a lot more love
To answer your question for the logo, logic behind it being grey was to not steal attention at this stage, being prealpha. I do want to spend a lot more time on the logo and get it looking.. more interesting/iconic. Good info regarding it though will take that in and make adjustments for the time being!
Agree with the font, long run, would like to design my own, short run will try to find a more interesting commercially free font (If that exists).
Thanks again for the crit!
Got some nice feedback from snefer regarding the drone which I also plan on addressing, will post updates soon ish!
In game screeny. Made the back of the cave less noisey and generally darker to fit the mood a bit more. I will at somepoint spend a lot more like making cave shells out of meshes and removing hidden geom to get a more natural look.
Maybe make the planet glow in a more nice and colorful way. Or on your first screen you had this green nebula thing on bottom which has a nice color, its just not prominent enough, that would do well if it took 1/3 of the screen.