Paracelsus (born Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Bombastus von Hohenheim, 11 November or 17 December 1493 – 24 September 1541) was a German-Swiss Renaissance physician, botanist, alchemist, astrologer, and general occultist.
Well Paracelsus -a well renombred botanist and alchemist- found The elixir of life, also known as elixir of immortality and sometimes equated with the philosopher's stone, a legendary/mythical potion, or drink, that when drank from a certain cup, at a certain time, grants the drinker eternal life and/or eternal youth.
The person who sold the manuscript to Rudolf II -King of Bohemia- could only have been John Dee, another alchemist, mathematician and astrologer at the court of Queen Elizabeth I.
Dee related Paracelsus about the herbal manuscript Voynich, and how some herbals needed for prolongation of life can be found and processed following the manuscript recipes.
At 19th century Paracelsus is back but his elixir is over, he need to found the mysterious herb to prolong his life.
That is some really great detail in the face. Really nice work! I like the presentation of the weathered paper background too. Can't wait to see the rest of him!
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Name: Your First and Last Name Login: Your Mixamo login or associated email address Source: Where you heard about this contest Tools: 3D software you will use to model your character Polycount WIP Thread: Your email must include the URL to your work-in-progress thread on Polycount so we can follow your progress
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Good to see you join the contest Carlosan! Welcome and best of luck!
Well Paracelsus -a well renombred botanist and alchemist- found The elixir of life, also known as elixir of immortality and sometimes equated with the philosopher's stone, a legendary/mythical potion, or drink, that when drank from a certain cup, at a certain time, grants the drinker eternal life and/or eternal youth.
The person who sold the manuscript to Rudolf II -King of Bohemia- could only have been John Dee, another alchemist, mathematician and astrologer at the court of Queen Elizabeth I.
Dee related Paracelsus about the herbal manuscript Voynich, and how some herbals needed for prolongation of life can be found and processed following the manuscript recipes.
At 19th century Paracelsus is back but his elixir is over, he need to found the mysterious herb to prolong his life.
Here's how to register: Simply send an email to and provide the following info:
Name: Your First and Last Name
Login: Your Mixamo login or associated email address
Source: Where you heard about this contest
Tools: 3D software you will use to model your character
Polycount WIP Thread: Your email must include the URL to your work-in-progress thread on Polycount so we can follow your progress
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We'll then provide you with free Auto-Rigging and animating on Mixamo and send you a confirmation. Thanks!
next step: adding accessories