I am trying to make a floor reflective. My implementation will be like the snapshot.
You can see the reflection on floor. How do I make a cube map to achieve scene like that? I mean where my camera will be and other additional things. Is this scene even achievable with cube map? I have never implement such thing before:(. Could anyone help me in this regards?
It's dirty and dumb but it sure works !
EDIT: Damn pior beat me to it, I was busy finding a image to use as an example, but that unity scene should work just as well, if not better, to showing how well it works.
However,I thought of another. importing the whole scene with "external lightmapper tool" into maya,then adding a skybox on maya, then render cubemap on maya. Then we pick the rendered cubemap on hdr or exr format and convert it into six image by some program. Then we create a cubemap on unity with those six images.Then,we can apply a reflection shader on unity and apply the created cubemap. how about this idea? Will it even work?
There is also the scene Capture reflect actor, which is meant for use on large flat objects.
just place the actor, scale it to the size of your floor, than create a 2d render target for it, than use that texture in your material.
here is a sample of the method holden made
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XoheOgAfkg"]UDK Realtime Reflective Floor Material - YouTube[/ame]
Requires Pro as it uses a rendertexture if I recall correctly.
Check out the shadowgun (I think) demo. For their rainy floor they had a cubemap reflection that was just sorta abstract highlights, but with a scrolling normal map and rain effects they could get away with it.
If that doesn't work, just mirror the geo. It's not that hard.