Hi everyone, It is my first post here, so try to be perspicuous.
Well I have an idea of alien chancel. It should be part of the level where the game character investigates new old alien space ship. So the chancel should be old but still useful for ceremonies. Well there are some tech requirements:
dif/nm/spec textures - 1024*1024
tries ~1500/2000
Material: red stone
What I've already done:
1. Created High poly model and Low Poly Model
2. Baked NM texture
3. Created diffuse texture
But I still have a sense that chancel doesn't look too old. Unfortunately I have no experience of modeling such kind of environment stuff, so it is hard to say where the problem.
Ah, yeah. Here is a pic:

Take the high poly and cut away some geometry chunks as if it had eroded or just falling apart. You could have chunks on the ground to show they fell off.
Red stone tends to be a little more orangey/brown than red. Unless it's super polished, then it gets darker.