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Render to texture preview not the same as saved file.

polycounter lvl 11
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Linfo polycounter lvl 11
Hey guys, I have the following problem, Im baking a few maps for a character Im working on 3DS Max 2012. The issue I have is that the render preview looks great, but the texture that it actually saves looks different.

Now, I could just save the preview, but the issue is that it doesnt have any texture padding (the file Max saves does) so yeah, that's not really a solution.

Any ideas?


  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    what is different?

    my first guess

    check your gamma settings
  • Teclis
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    Teclis polycounter lvl 15
    in 3dsmax the Preview of RTT is always the like 'Complete' Map i think. You have all lighting/texture informations of the scene in the preview. Try rendering complete instead of diffuse only.
  • Linfo
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    Linfo polycounter lvl 11
    Here, I figured posting an image might make things clear:


    Render preview has no padding, saved file does but does not look quite as nice.
    I've checked the gamma settings but they seem to be matching, Im not sure what to change there to be honest.
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    looks like gamma and something else, what map are yozu baking?

    you can revert the gamma in photoshop, by setting it to 0.45 (if saved in gamma 2.2) or 0.55 (gamma 1.8 ) dependent on which gamme you saved it, however it is still slightly off, has less contrast so its is not purely a gamma issue
  • Linfo
    Offline / Send Message
    Linfo polycounter lvl 11
    Im baking a lightmap and AO.
    I made a quick test and whatever the complete map is seems to work as expected, I guess I'll just edit the lightmap in Photoshop.

    Thanks for the help!
  • Neox
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    Neox godlike master sticky
    complete is as it says every information it can bake down.

    the loightmap just saves the light information, not the AO for instance, or not the colors - so you'd have to combine several maps in photoshop to get the same result as the complete map.

    However before changing it all the time in photoshop, just set up max to not export files in gamma 2.2
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