I just tested on a simple object, and it appears to unwrap as expected. I'm using Blender 2.67, so I don't know if there was a bug fixed between 2.66a and 2.67. Try upgrading to Blender 2.67. If that doesn't change anything, then go through the steps you used to create the uv map for that piece.
i did your suggestion but it still do the same, right now i using the cylinder mapping whit the active quads mapping
I think I know what is going on. Are you using the cylinder mapping in the material editor, or from the UV Mapping drop down list in edit mode?
Cylinder mapping only applied to the generated mapping in Blender Internal (generated mapping could also be called ortho). You need to use the cylinder unwrap by going in edit mode, go to the unwrap drop down (u), and selecting cylinder unwrap.
Is there a chance that you can put the model online so we can look at it and see if there's a problem with the model? Failing that, can you give us a step by step list of actions you took to do the uv mapping?
i think is the scene that has the problem right now i doing it manually, the active quad is helping but i think is the scene and the model. thanks for the suggestions
thats strange, i´ve unwrapped tons of stuff this year and it always did what i wanted
I think I know what is going on. Are you using the cylinder mapping in the material editor, or from the UV Mapping drop down list in edit mode?
Cylinder mapping only applied to the generated mapping in Blender Internal (generated mapping could also be called ortho). You need to use the cylinder unwrap by going in edit mode, go to the unwrap drop down (u), and selecting cylinder unwrap.