I wanted my adventure character to be a strong and able woman built for extreme challenges. She's essentially an adventurer who thrives in thrilling and dangerous ways of retrieving artifacts. Let's just say she's got more brawn than Lara Croft and charges at obstacles head on with more luck than Drake.
Welcome and good luck to ya!
Here's how to register: Simply send an email to contest@mixamo.com and provide the following info:
Name: Your First and Last Name
Login: Your Mixamo login or associated email address
Source: Where you heard about this contest
Tools: 3D software you will use to model your character
Polycount WIP Thread: Your email must include the URL to your work-in-progress thread on Polycount so we can follow your progress
That's it!
We'll then provide you with free Auto-Rigging and animating on Mixamo and send you a confirmation. Thanks!