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Help making my first Dota 2 item.

I've just started to learn how to use 3D software and I think its time for me to make an item, can someone help me? Someone with good experience that can be passed on to me.


  • Torch
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    Torch interpolator
    Have you got any work you can show? If you've only just begun learning 3D I would recommend not starting with a Dota item, as there's certain constraints to adhere to - it might be better just to get something simplistic modeled and textured first, depending on your skill level.

    I would also recommend checking out the Dota Art guides for modeling and texturing on Steam workshop, they're pretty sweet :)
  • Shower God
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    Torch wrote: »
    Have you got any work you can show? If you've only just begun learning 3D I would recommend not starting with a Dota item, as there's certain constraints to adhere to - it might be better just to get something simplistic modeled and textured first, depending on your skill level.

    I would also recommend checking out the Dota Art guides for modeling and texturing on Steam workshop, they're pretty sweet :)

    Yeah, I have no experience what so ever. But I'm looking for someone to teach me.
  • ceebee
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    ceebee polycounter lvl 14
    Shower God wrote: »
    Yeah, I have no experience what so ever. But I'm looking for someone to teach me.

    Why not teach yourself? I'm pretty sure making DOTA items are well documented by now. Hell, we have a whole forum dedicated to them. Nobody is going to hold your hand though, so get working and show some stuff and they'll at least give you critiques or advice to help you improve.
  • Habboi
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    Habboi sublime tool
    When I first started modelling I got a book called "3ds Max Modelling for Games" by Andrew Gahan and it helped me get my first set of models out and from there I taught myself the rest so if you really want to learn then the knowledge is out there.
  • Torch
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    Torch interpolator
    Honestly, with no experience in 3D I would say you're getting way ahead of yourself, although its admirable that you want to get stuck in. I would say check out some of 3D Palace's vids on Youtube if you're a Max user, they're free and show really good modeling techniques. For starting off though it might be better to look at something like Digital Tutors, just to get the basics down.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    Go up and read/watch tutorials. Asking for people to teach you, especially on when you're starting out, especially on a forum, isn't the easiest way to go.

    You could also look for a mentor, but you will rarely find one that has free time for such endeavors.
  • slipsius
  • I-ninja
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    I-ninja polycounter lvl 5
    Learning by yourself is the best way polycount is a nice forum so if there is something wrong with your work they will guide you, or tell you how to do it better

    The end goal of art is to find our own style
    but this does help
  • Hudston
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    Hudston polycounter lvl 10
    I'm no expert but if you want to learn like I did, choose a program (it doesn't really matter that much which one) and grab one of those big, thick beginner books for it and work through the entire thing front to back. Experiment along the way, too, if something inspires you use what you've learned to do something yourself and it'll cement it in your mind.

    The best advice I can possibly give is to read everything, watch everything, study everything and just make stuff whenever you can. Do that and you can't fail.
  • Godzy
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    Godzy polycounter lvl 6
    first of all hello to everyone, I just joined the forums after seeing this tread.
    I'm also new to 3D modelling (I literally knew nothing 1-2 months ago) and I think I just got a bit of everything by watching tutorials and stuff like that. Don't scare off the poor guy by saying he's in over he's head, it's not THAT hard at all but it really is a lot of work. If you need help understanding the basics feel free to add me on steam (http://steamcommunity.com/id/mrgodzy/)

    Anyway, I'm also here for a personal reason.. Being new to this thing is a huge pain mainly because there are countless programs out there and I honestly don't know how to work from start to finish..I mainly use Blender (the software I know best of them right now), Sculptris for high poly..Blender again for retopology..and then move to Photoshop for texturing and masks and all those other stuff. Recently I installed a whole bunch of new programs (Topogun, 3D Coat, Zbrush). I started off with Sculptris instead of Zbrush because of it's interface ofc but now I'm thinking of watching some tutorials and go with Zbrush. Topogun seems to make the work a whole lot easier while 3D coat seems to have some great features while its a bit weird at the same time..
    All these programs have their flick..their navigation commends..which gives me a HUGE headache..
    My question is..can somebody direct me through a productive and easy way of working? As in what's the best way to do all of this.. (Example: Low poly blender -> high poly zbrush -> retopo topogun -> texture ?) Or at least share how's your way of doing things.
    Oh yeah, I've made an item a few days ago just to see how the whole submiting works (Made it in Blender and textured in Photoshop): http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=144490878
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