Hi everyone, I'm looking for some portfolio feedback please. I'm hoping to gain work as an environment artist so if anyone could enlighten me on certain subjects I might be lacking, presentation issues, image culling, skills that aren't present etc. then I would love to hear your ideas!
My portfolio is here:http://sophieholt.carbonmade.com/
I'll also be posting the project I'm currently working on which was the monthly noob challenge
#4 but I'm taking my sweet time to develop it properly.
Thanks in advance!
But yeah keep updating your site.
I hope my advices helped you
I would probably cull the WIP stuff till its finished, it can give the impression that you are not committed if there are too many unfinished pieces on your site.
The only point's i'd make are the one's that have a;ready been said.
I looked at that concept image first which means that i have that level of quality in mind before i look at the other images. Should perhaps change it to a shot of your wip assets...
I'd also try to condense the images into fewer projects. Maybe move your turntable sculpt images in with your sculpted man. You could easily get rid of that extra project at the bottom or even get it down to a nice locked portfolio screen with 6 projects?
On the whole, really nice. Good luck
You should only show your best assets. Take away your gun, its not holding the same quality as your other stuff.
Try to achieve a better layout on your pictures. You have the spirited away statue in two sections. Try to have them collected like your abandoned mansion, so people have to click less times
Otherwise everything else looks good! I guess I would want to have bigger pictures to show as much details as possible from your scenes.
I've would recommend take away the facebook link and the picture on yourself. It might affect a negative bias, thats what I've heard only thou..
(oh, people did post before me! I'll let it stay thou!)
On a side note, your "Oregon" scene seems more like something from southern Arizona or New Mexico.
Have you thought about adding more decay to the abandoned mansion? Heavy dust, cobwebs, and water damage would seem to fit the setting. Cloth-covered furniture would also be appropriate, and would add to the overall spookiness of the setting.
From the description in one of the later images, I believe that the main image of the "Fairytale Project" was rendered in UDK; if so, you should certainly mention it in the text.
I've started to change it up and will get to work on the presentation when I have a chunk of time.
@DWalker: Thanks for the specifics too, I'll re-visit the mansion & Oregon stuff, do some more research..
In terms of content though, should I be looking at creating a hard surface based piece or even a vehicle? Not sure exactly what I may be lacking?
Try beeing consistent with your backgrounds for the asset shots. You have different greys, (theres nicer stuff than grey btw) also different borders, and that looks inconsistent
Just my two cents on the matter
p.s lovely work btw
And I shall work on the consistency, although I thought grey was a good neutral colour to use, would a variation of grey be ok? I don't want to put anyone off with a garish or uncomplimentary background.
Also I found a better portfolio site as my images are compressed by this one so I'll be switching to that when I'm done: