Hey peoples, I'm hoping to do some sort of dream/fantasy land adventurer/explorer type character. I'm still doodling stuff and figuring it out. I'm going to work on the character concepts for a while before going anywhere near modelling. This dude was supposed to have a little monster cat sidekick character but I forgots to draws its. oopses. I'm not entirely happy with the colour scheme or the character for that matter but its a start. Helped me get those creative juices flowing.
Best of lucks yo yos.
I hope you can because the character is awesome.
Thanks! I like to draw the bright colours! I have an idea for some sort of transdimensional character that I might be able to work it into. We shall sees.
Its not that glove specifically but I do love that show so its a major source of inspiration. I even tried to draw billy once.
Thanks! I hope to use it as a platform to push myself creatively and technically
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