High Polycounters!
I have made an update to my gameprototype Dungeon Memory, a game I have been working in between chemotherapy sessions to keep my sanity (insanity).
Try it out here:
It might be a bit buggy, as I´m not really a programmer.
The prototype was made with Unity, playMaker and NGUI.

Also on the first image there is some stretching on the trim behind the character that should be pretty easy to fix.
My only suggestion from what I played would be to speed it up a bit. I got bored waiting for the animations to play and then reset so I could pick again.
The graphics are kind of placeholder as I try stuff out. The funky screen format is because I tried to make it for iPhones, but it is going to be hard to navigate it. It is going to be to detailed to play, and I would like to be able to fit all tiles in the view at the same time.
At a later stage I will convert everything to 16:9 format, but all the GUIs need to be redesigned for that format. Also the background graphics need to be remade in a more modular fashion.
I will check out the bugs. I think if you had left the "mouselook" mode, the message with the ok button would have reappeared. I close the message so one can see better. Mouselook is kind of rudimentary and experimental at the moment.
Thanks again for your feedback!
The game was definitely fun, though. I played several games in a row and thoroughly enjoyed it. And I see a lot of potential in the game concept, too - seems there's tons of places you can go with it.
Can't wait to see what you do next!
I am currently speeding up the game quite a lot! Your comments are really inspiring!
Yeah, GUI needs a definite artpass.. Making the current version of the GUI, I learned how to use NGUI ( a plugin for Unity) while making it. I just made some elements and started using them without much thought.
Yeah, I will go for some animations on the character. There will also be different characters to choose from, at least a female version of the hero, as a lot of females seem to like this game a lot. I will also be adding different tiles, quests, bosses etc. I have lots of ideas for this game, I just want to make the "first pass" on the code and get some feedback
Will look into that damn wizard and the bug with the "ok" button.
Currently I´m making this game on days I have energy, as I am undergoing chemotherapy (just finished session 23 of 24!) I had both peretoneal cancer and liver cancer during the last 3 years and this game is an excercise in learning something new and keeping my sanity in check. It has been pretty rough but I feel something could be done with this game. I just wish I will be able to finish it in a timely fashion.
I hope the next update will happen in a few days, as I am in my "recovery week" this week.
Why those fonts ? Get something classy. Why neutral grey when all your ingame color is tinted yellow. Why rounded corners ? Your ingame icons are hard edged and fit a lot better.
The gui is the game.
Maybe you could check back later as the project progresses, and maybe it will be more to your taste.
To answer your questions about the GUI, I suggest you check out my earlier posts. I have already acknowledged the shortcomings of the GUI in an earlier post.
Also the GUI is the GUI. The game is the game.