Hey everyone,
currently I'm working on a BTR-90, a russian infantry transporter, on my spare time.
The highpoly is nearly finished and I hope you guys can help me with some critics and feedback about the current version.
So, enough talking- here are the screens:
Final Update from 13.12.2013:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqeMTQFItNI"]BTR 90 - UDK - Mathis Widrat - YouTube[/ame]
Update from 08.08.2013:Update from 17.07.2013:
Update from 13.07.2013:
http://www.primeportal.net/apc/yuri_pasholok/btr-90/ has some very nice hi-res reference photos.
I shortened the front and made the plate on top of it larger. Hope you are satisfied with it:
Ah, always wondered what's the function of this part. Thanks, good to know.
Yeah, I thought about editing the main chassis in mudbox. The weldlines are one of the first things on my list
Here are the current screens- if someone has any improvements please go ahead
The vehicle currently has 17,638 polys.
Do you have a polygon count for the low poly version?
Currently there are 17,638 polys. I wanted to make everything a little more highpoly then I usually do, so I aimed for about 20k- even so I'm still under the limit.
The Btr90 is only made to show it in my portfolio, so the vehicle itself won't be placed in any game. Maybe in a small scene I'm about to make, can't say for sure.
Even so I already started texturing the Btr and mostly finished the turret textures. Currently I'm on the chassis itself. After that one there will be a third texture for the wheels.
So, here is the current version, heavy w.i.p. on the chassis of course.
Hopefully I'm going to finish the chassi's texture within the next two weeks.
Strongly against simplifying things such as lamps and tires. Totally don't get this taking polys away for the sake of taking polys away. If a good rendition of that shape demands those polys then they should be there. This is no prop you put on a table where you probably glance at it for a second. Its a piece of work in total focus of that mesh. You gotta think about the usage and why it was created.
Forza 3 cars have 50k polys ingame.
Ah and btw, the car showcase LOD0 has 170.000 Polys.
Its about what makes sense for which usage and what you can justify.
A mesh created for the sole purpose of showing it off sounds pretty much
like showcase to me. So he is pretty good in budget id say.
For something like Bad Company 2, the current one is pretty spot on.
(Next-Next gen will easily double all that again anyways.)
Currently working on the bottom texture. I'm going to lower the saturation on some areas of the camouflage, thanks for the hint Add3r. Also going to start with the wheels next week.
From now on I'll try to post at least one screen every week. So here's the current one:
its looking awesome man, keep it up!
AO influence on the texture could be a lot stronger imo, it feels very lacking and creates a CG feel. the cables on the side for example seem to just be floating there.
Yeah know what you mean, unfortunately I can't add any AO to the rope because both sides share the same texture, but the other side has a fuel tank instead of a rope, see picture.
But I'll try to add some additional AO to the other external parts on next update, thanks for the hint.
Still to do: Creating specular map for the chassis and the wheels. I hope those colored back and front lights will look much better with a spec...
When all of these points are done I'm also going to finally get the Btr in the Udk.
So, here are the screens:
Have you started spending time on the gloss and specular map? Would add interesting variety to your texture! Keep up the awesome work!
The wheels currently don't have neither spec nor gloss map.
Next steps: Adding spec and gloss map to the wheels and tweaking all the spec and gloss textures from every part. And finally export the Btr to the Udk... I can see a light at the end of the tunnel.
The shading itself isn't finished as well, there are only few highlights for the spec and gloss isn't working so properly as well...
Anyway, I really would like to hear some other thoughts then mine
You might can help me at a little problem as well (see below).
I have quite some problems with normal maps in combination with mirrored UVs/geometry. The shading of the normal map is getting real weird. I found this solution on polycount, but I hope that's not the only way to fix it because I have quite some mirrored parts on the tank which would take some time to get rid of all of them manual... Someone knows a good solution?
Currently I'm getting a strange error when using the tiledshot command for making high-res screenshot, take a look. It seems the error appears when making a screenshot with a higher resolution then the monitor's. Does anyone know how I can get rid of this reflection error?
Screenshot of the current environment version:
The Btr itself isn't finished as well... I should finally start to make the wheel's spec and gloss map
Still to do:
-Fix the bug with the mirrored Uv shading
-Polishing on the tank's material/texture (mainly spec and gloss)
-Create a camera track for a video
-Fix some stuff that worked before but will be broken... surely there will be some...
-Freetime !
It would be fun just to rigid and to import it as skeletal mesh
Yeah I tried to import the Btr as a skeletal mesh to have better control over the lighting, which can be edited separately from the other assets. Unfortunately something isn't working correct so I can't change the lighting of the skeletal mesh at all, so I'm just using a simple static mesh for now.
I think I'm going to make a first video prototype within this week. So here's another screen from the current version:
Finally decided to throw the cards on the table by posting some closeups from the tank and uploading the textures.
The diffuse, spec and gloss textures are attached to this post. I hope I went the right way so far. If anyone notice things I have to edit/delete/add, please say so.
Oh, nearly forgot to say that the attached images are half of the original size- the original texture size for the chassis+turret is 2048x4096.
You might want to throw in a spot light or something onto the vehicle in that UDK screenie though for some more dynamic lighting, that ambient night sky isn't doing your texture/normal maps justice!
But you might want to work a bit more on the lighting/shader. There is very little surface definition going on right now.
Yeah I really should do something about those indoor lighting and the shader (which will be reworked next month hopefully).
Just made another screenshot in Udk without this creepy hangar (see above)
(Click the image to view additional screenshots- video below)
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqeMTQFItNI"]BTR 90 - UDK - Mathis Widrat - YouTube[/ame]