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TopHat Studios, Ltd - Seek Level Designer & More.

TopHat Game Studios, who are these people!
TopHat Game Studios was founded in early 2011 and officially incorporated as a limited company in 2012. The developers at TopHat are from a range of backgrounds in the game(s) industry as well as freelance artists.

We at TopHat Game Studios believe that the current gaming market is stale and needs fresh water. We aim to produce games that will challenge the current genres associated within the industry; games need fulfilment that can only be inspired by gamers themselves, the goal we want to achieve is to have the TopHat community tell us what they want, speak out and express ideas strongly and be extremely critical towards our game(s); we want the 'end users' to have a large amount of influence on the games we make: E.g.TopHat's beta team consists of people who are not professional game testers (for whatever that is), but rather the 'gamers' themselves, we believe that a true gamer will find more problems for us to fix or will have a strong influential opinion on what should be done in certain aspects of our games.
Unreal Scripter
  • Experience working with Unreal Engine 3 and/or UDK.
  • Exceptional with Unreal Script / C++ debugging and familiarity programming.
  • Very diverse with work ethics and can coordinate in a team openly, accepting critical feed-back and applying it to their work.
  • Must be able to meet strong deadlines.
  • Strong mathematical skills.
  • Passionate about video games.
  • Experience with Scaleform is a Plus
  • Experience with Visual Studio is a Plus
  • Experience with Git version control is a plus.
Concept Artist
  • Has/had hands experience working with video game art
  • Talented individual who can express their love for concept art through a strong portfolio of multitude sources.
  • Very comfortable and experienced with Adobe Photoshop ( Illustrator is a bonus ).
  • Very diverse with work ethics and can coordinate in a team openly, accepting critical feed-back and applying it to their work.
  • Must be able to meet deadlines.
  • Experience with Scaleform is a Plus
  • Experience with Mods/Games in the past is a Plus.
Level Designer
  • Has extensive background knowledge of developing levels inside Unreal.
  • A strong portfolio that can demonstrate his/her's talents and skills.
  • Vast amounts of expertise with Unreal lighting.
  • Able to design and punctuate a strong level design document with structured gameplay design/mechanics.
  • At least 2 years minimum experience with level design.
  • Very diverse with work ethics and can coordinate in a team openly, accepting critical feed-back and applying it to their work.
  • Must be able to meet deadlines.
  • Experience with other engines is a plus.
  • Experience with Mods/Games in the past is a Plus.
Voice Actors
- Please send an email to info@tophat-studios.co.uk including your portfolio and rates. -
What's TopHat Game Studio's developing?


The Battle of the Somme symbolized the horrors of warfare in world war one. Follow orders, fight for your country, wait for the call and survive in rain soaked trenches; the call to charge over no man’s land to fight for freedom and liberation is awaiting you! Equipped with your arsenal of weaponry, make haste and overtake your enemies; watch over your brothers and god speed. For more information on the game visit http://www.tophat-studios.co.uk

Short Features List:
  • Tanks & rideable Horses!
  • Rescue downed allies and patch them up
  • 1914 - 1918 inspired capture the 'point/trench' based combat
  • Call in Artillery barrages on enemy territories*
    .. and much more!

To Apply
Submit your application alongside your rates to info@tophat-studios.co.uk
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