Hey Polycounters
here i will post some of my work, mostly done for some mods. Hope you enjoy it

I'm trying to improve, so critique is greatly appreciated.
I work mostly with Blender, xNormal, Photoshop and Marmoset Toolbag.
First Projekt: EE-3 Carbine Rifle used by Boba Fett from Star Wars. Currlently only Highpoly.

Yeah it's just an Highpoly render, so this is just an random testing material. I did't hardned the edges too much (i hope so) to get a nice bake from the model.
So this is an heavily WIP Nambu Type 14 Japanese pistol, used in WWII.
Still much to do, adding sights, a magazine and fixing some skewing issues.
BTW I'm new in this forum and i dont know how often people updates their WIPs. Suggestions? Because i dont want to annoy anybody with my crap.