I have having a lil problem in my scene. Let me show the screenshot first.

In the image, you see the close up grass or crop model/texture seems to be fine. in the scene, from far, the grass looks too noisy.. the texture is just a plain green color(not even gradient)..
What should/can I do to make to look better ?
And/or fade from the close-up model to a lower LOD model as you get further away, one that's simplified or even a plane if you get far enough.
Okay, I'll try with some LODs... I dont like lods for grass, as its gives this flickering effect.. Let me try once.
The edges of any polygon will look jagged unless antialiasing is turned on. At a distance, and when you've got lots of geometry in the same place, you'll see flickering. That's because without AA or any alpha a polygon is either on a pixel or not, so flickering on and off.
Many games choose not to model individual stalks of grass, but use a texture on a plane. This has the advantage of scaling well using mipmaps as you get further away and not needing AA at all because texture filtering will stop flickering. It's also often less geometry, but looks like balls up close and has more overdraw. You could also add alpha to your grass and fade it out near the edges of the planes. That may reduce the effect.
But I think the main problem was to use seperate mesh grass mesh rather than using alpha.. Might have to redo that.
thanks again