Hi, I'm trying to achieve the same effect in a render as 'texture' display mode; that is, totally bright render as if there is no light information. I should be able to take the render and put it next to the texture and notice no difference in colour
I have tried setting the render output to 'diffuse coefficient' and that is close but the colour is washed out. I have the gamma on the texture set to 1
does anyone have any further steps to try? I'm guessing there's some colour correction type setting I'm missing, but I don't know my way around modo's renderer
Ensure your materials are set to 100% diffuse amount (defaults to 80%). That could be what's washing it out.
Maybe post a picture of what you're getting and what it should look like?
('cause it'll do pow(textureInput, 1) then pow(renderResult, 1/1) which works out the same).