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Asking for help - Portfolio Advice

polycounter lvl 6
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kawondavis polycounter lvl 6
Hi my name is Kawon Davis, and I'm a character artist. I'm not having any luck landing a job and was hoping that I could get some advice on my portfolio. I've been at this for years and I need to know what I'm doing wrong. Any critiques would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Link to online portfolio:


  • travisdreams
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    travisdreams polycounter lvl 6
    Hey Kawon, Im a current student atm soon to graduate but from experience ive noticed one thing in 3D. This one thing that helped me alot was traditional work like sketches, clay sculptures, paintings, etc. I found out that the more i did this and got better, the better i became at 3D work like zbrush and handpainted textures. So if anything id do more studying and practices on your traditional work to assist in improving your 3D work.
  • Farva
    Like Travis said, it all comes down to studying. Look at some artists that you are aspiring to be like and try to pick at your work to find out what they are doing that you aren't. From the look at your portfolio, you work isn't bad, its just not as good as other people out there.
    Work on your anatomy a bit, do studies, life drawings etc.

    I've also been told that your portfolio is only as good as your worst piece, so if you are ever in question on whether to have a piece in or out, take it out. If I were you I would take out the dragon and lusca as they don't show your best work.

    Hope this helps, I'm an aspiring character artist as well so good luck to the both of us =)
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    I think your low poly can use improvement to their faces. Their high-res counterpart has quite nice faces, although maybe lacking characteristic, but the low-res' faces are kinda plain and bland.
  • Christian Nordgren
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    Christian Nordgren polycounter lvl 11
    I think your choice of design by making everything colorful and using that military font ruins your work which is supposed to be the focus area. It makes me focus on bad the overall design which is not fitting characters. Not be a creativity killer but you want to show what you are good at.

    (this is something I have done myself: http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/341/8/6/lowpoly_nutty_airplane_by_herrraev-d5naxqr.png

    ( see what I mean? :( )

    I think you need to rework your 2D work, show only the good ones. They look unfinished.
  • kawondavis
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    kawondavis polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks, guys! So this is what I have gathered thus far.

    1) Create more hi-resolution pieces
    2) Better final presentation of assets
    3) Remove the 2D work
    4) Work on life drawings

    I'm currently working on some new pieces now, so I will be posting them up from time to time for critiques. Thanks, again!
  • kawondavis
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    kawondavis polycounter lvl 6
    Thanks, guys! So this is what I have gathered thus far.

    1) Create more hi-resolution pieces
    2) Better final presentation of assets
    3) Remove the 2D work
    4) Work on life drawings

    I'm currently working on some new pieces now, so I will be posting them up from time to time for critiques. Thanks, again!
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