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3dsmax - Polydraw Stops Working

polycounter lvl 9
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olivierth polycounter lvl 9

I often use the "Conform Brush" in Polydraw to press the low res against the high res mesh. Every time I use it, it stops working after a few uses. I've tried using another object to project on, to project from, reseting Xform, etc. Nothing works except restarting max.

As anybody come across this problem before? It happens to me EVERY session so it's very frustrating.

Thank you!


  • JellyBee
    I've had this happen to me a few times. In addition, the pick tool usually stops working for me as well when this problem occurs. Restarting max didn't help, but if I created a new scene and made a cube then the Polydraw tools suddenly worked again.
    I have no idea what causes it to happen, it seams to just be one of those unexplained bugs.
  • Chris Krüger
    I would try reinstalling Max, it usually do the trick when I get such strange errors.

  • xvampire
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    xvampire polycounter lvl 14
    its a silly bug,

    it happen to me with polydraw spline

    when i deleted the spline and tried to redraw it again, BOOM its not working

    the way to fix it is you can click

    create new object

    draw a stripes

    then you can redraw the spline again ...

    if your max do selecting or moving mode instead of drawing restart max.
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