Hey guys,
I compiled a new Cube Map Pack similar to my
previous pack and I've also recently written a Cube Map Cycler Python script for Maya. 512px at mip lvl 0, extra blur for each mip to be used for setting reflection roughness with real-time shaders such as my
TGA PBL shader(which just got an update). Let me know what you think and if you find any bugs or suggestions for improvements in the script. Keep in mind the usage policy for the cube maps, check the bundled readme.txt.

Grab the pack
here from my site.
Here's a video of the Cube Map Cycler script in action. Model by
Ronja Melin.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gl96964ugc4"]cubeMapCycler Maya Python script demo, Arson Girl - YouTube[/ame]
Grab the script
here from my site.
btw, if you are not selling any of these tools then maybe add a donate option somewhere ?
MM> I'm happy with just sharing them for free. You saying thanks you in a thread like this is satisfaction enough for me, knowing that someone finds it useful.