Hey, Polycount, you look beautiful today! Here's an UDK environment I've been cracking on lately.
It's basically still WIP but I don't think I'll have time to work on it in the next couple of weeks, so I'll call it done for now and get my metaphoric ass kicked hard in this thread.
The backstory is that it is an object owned by a company called Miranda Foundation. It is desolate and empty and it is slowly getting overrun by organic(ish) matter of unknown origin. I only have a vague idea about what's going on there, so maybe you'll tell me.
Also be sure to check out the
dedicated page on
my website (see, I'm so subtle at advertising myself!)

Oh, wow, dude, thank you! Seriously, I'm touched.
Actually yes, everything in the scene has hi-poly versions, including the tiling textures this scene is largely composed from. The biomechanical creep on the floor is obviously sculpted, it tiles too, I also made a vertex color-based material for it to make its edges look convincing.
As for the ceiling geometry, I'll think about it, would probably look cool.
Thanks, man. Yeah, I thought it would be cool to make a gateway carved right into a glacier. Also I intentionaly put some icicles in the way of the moving parts of the mechanisms to make it look like nobody opened the gate for quite some time, to make the place look desolate.
@Eclypse: Yeah I thought about it, looks too clean as of now.
@TheRealFroman: why thank you sir!