Hey guys, can you take a look at my portfolio and offer any sagely advice?
I know my content is a bit thin right now, but I had applied at a smaller place in the area and didn't want a completely empty portfolio. I've had a construction page up forever. I'll be updating it with some things I'm working on in the next week or two.
Generally how does the layout/readability/about me/resume look?
I'm a little concerned about my lack of real professional experience in the field so I left my previous work experience in, but at the bottom. I'm getting to be an old man here and I didn't want anyone looking at the resume to think I'd never had a job before.
I'm concerned with the layout on the main page. Right now it is set up in a blogging format, so I can post updates and whatnot.
Should I change it to something static where you choose only the categories? So when you load up the main page you get to click either levels or assets instead of updates with whatever I felt the need to update with.
Right now I have something like that set up when you click the levels link on the menu bar. It will bring up a page that will have a link to each level. (http://louissaucedo.com/?page_id=84).
I'm trying to figure out if anyone looking at the website actually cares what I'm working on or what I've recently put on there or changed, etc.
Any opinions on that?
Current ( www.louissaucedo.com ):
Home page set up as a blog. I can have a short blurb about my recent updates and whatnot and keep a link to whatever page:
Alternative ( http://louissaucedo.com/?page_id=262 ):
It would be a static page where the user only clicks to go to the content of the website. Obviously the buttons would be better looking, those are just place holders to describe what I had typed out earlier.
The blog style isn't really helping much IMO, since the content itself matters, not in what order you made them etc. Also with the blog, I'm getting smacked by walls of text when I load the page. I think the first and most important thing one should see is your art. If after that they want to know more, they can always go to the "about" section and read that.
And yeah I agree with what Justin Meisse said, I don't think putting WIPs on your portfolio is really that good. I personally wouldn't do it.
Also dont use Impact as font, that just dosnt look good. Also semi transparent text over your images dosnt look that good either.
Carbonmade is nice and looks great per example, or Squarespace
Edit, ah i see the alternative now, yea thats more like it. Right in your face.
I'll work on the font. I like how clear Impact is, but I'll play around with it and update the thread when I get this round of changes done.
Thanks again!
For your current site:
- There is to much white colour, and it's over powering on the eyes.
- Take down that asset section, since you have nothing in it.
- I wanted to see images of your levels instead of videos.
- "Temple of Time" video doesn't show me anything really. There is no set dressings... nothing.
- The other two videos are your place holders, and I assume you'll take them down once you post your other stuff?
In terms of your resume, here is my suggestion, and it's just a suggestion and something I do. I have two resumes. One geared towards my video game career, and one towards everything else. I was told by many teachers that interviewers want to see relevant info regarding the games industry. If you did any playtesting at studios put that, etc... Your resume layout is similar to mine, so the layout is fine.