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Looking for a more expedient Maya OBJ exporter

polycounter lvl 18
Offline / Send Message
Steve Schulze polycounter lvl 18
Maya's OBJ exporter is extraordinarily slow when compared to other applications. My work at Creature Technology requires me moving files back and forth between Maya, Zbrush and Rhino very frequently and the inefficient exporting from Maya is chewing up a chunk of my time.

I'm wondering whether anyone has come across a more efficient OBJ exporter plugin that'll cut the minutes of export time down.


  • CheeseOnToast
    Offline / Send Message
    CheeseOnToast greentooth
    I don't have a way to speed up the time it takes to export a large obj file, but Mop's old MultiObj script might be handy if you're dealing with a lot of seperate bits and pieces. Here it is, since his old site seems to be down :
    // Multi OBJ Tool v1.1
    // -------------------
    // Tools for dealing with large amounts of OBJ files!
    // Written by Paul "MoP" Greveson
    // www.greveson.co.uk
    // Procedure to get the optionVars.
    global proc mopMultiObjTool.getOptions() {
    	// Main settings.
    	menuItem -e -cb `optionVar -q mopMultiObjToolFolderChk` mopMultiObjToolFolderChk;
    	if ( !`optionVar -ex mopMultiObjToolSrcPath` )
    		optionVar -sv mopMultiObjToolSrcPath "";
    	textField -e -fi `optionVar -q mopMultiObjToolSrcPath` mopMultiObjToolSrcPath;
    	if ( !`optionVar -ex mopMultiObjToolFilter` )
    		optionVar -sv mopMultiObjToolFilter "";
    	textField -e -text `optionVar -q mopMultiObjToolFilter` mopMultiObjToolFilter;
    	// Export settings.
    	menuItem -e -cb `optionVar -q mopMultiObjToolExportGroups` mopMultiObjToolExportGroups;
    	menuItem -e -cb `optionVar -q mopMultiObjToolExportPointGroups` mopMultiObjToolExportPointGroups;
    	menuItem -e -cb `optionVar -q mopMultiObjToolExportMaterials` mopMultiObjToolExportMaterials;
    	menuItem -e -cb `optionVar -q mopMultiObjToolExportSmoothing` mopMultiObjToolExportSmoothing;
    	menuItem -e -cb `optionVar -q mopMultiObjToolExportNormals` mopMultiObjToolExportNormals;
    	// Import settings.	
    	menuItem -e -cb `optionVar -q mopMultiObjToolImportMultiple` mopMultiObjToolImportMultiple;
    	menuItem -e -cb `optionVar -q mopMultiObjToolImportNamespace` mopMultiObjToolImportNamespace;
    // Procedure to save the optionVars.
    global proc mopMultiObjTool.setOptions() {
    	// Main settings.
    	optionVar -iv mopMultiObjToolFolderChk `menuItem -q -cb mopMultiObjToolFolderChk`;
    	optionVar -sv mopMultiObjToolSrcPath `textField -q -fi mopMultiObjToolSrcPath`;
    	optionVar -sv mopMultiObjToolFilter `textField -q -text mopMultiObjToolFilter`;
    	// Export settings.
    	optionVar -iv mopMultiObjToolExportGroups `menuItem -q -cb mopMultiObjToolExportGroups`;
    	optionVar -iv mopMultiObjToolExportPointGroups `menuItem -q -cb mopMultiObjToolExportPointGroups`;
    	optionVar -iv mopMultiObjToolExportMaterials `menuItem -q -cb mopMultiObjToolExportMaterials`;
    	optionVar -iv mopMultiObjToolExportSmoothing `menuItem -q -cb mopMultiObjToolExportSmoothing`;
    	optionVar -iv mopMultiObjToolExportNormals `menuItem -q -cb mopMultiObjToolExportNormals`;
    	// Import settings.
    	optionVar -iv mopMultiObjToolImportMultiple `menuItem -q -cb mopMultiObjToolImportMultiple`;
    	optionVar -iv mopMultiObjToolImportNamespace `menuItem -q -cb mopMultiObjToolImportNamespace`;
    // Procedure to assemble the OBJ export options based on chosen settings.
    global proc string mopMultiObjTool.getExportOptions() {
    	string $options = "";
    	$options += ( "groups=" + `optionVar -q mopMultiObjToolExportGroups` + ";" );
    	$options += ( "ptgroups=" + `optionVar -q mopMultiObjToolExportPointGroups` + ";" );
    	$options += ( "materials=" + `optionVar -q mopMultiObjToolExportMaterials` + ";" );
    	$options += ( "smoothing=" + `optionVar -q mopMultiObjToolExportSmoothing` + ";" );
    	$options += ( "normals=" + `optionVar -q mopMultiObjToolExportNormals` );
    	return ( "\"" + $options + "\"" );
    // Procedure to assemble the OBJ import options based on chosen settings.
    global proc string mopMultiObjTool.getImportOptions() {
    	string $options = ( "mo=" + `optionVar -q mopMultiObjToolImportMultiple` );
    	return ( "\"" + $options + "\"" );
    // Procedure to import selected files.
    global proc mopMultiObjTool.import() {
    	string $fileList = "mopMultiObjToolFileList";
    	string $path = `textField -q -fi mopMultiObjToolSrcPath`;
    	string $selection[] = `textScrollList -q -si $fileList`;
    	if ( `size $selection` == 0 ) error "No valid files selected to import.";
    	string $options = mopMultiObjTool.getImportOptions();
    	int $namespace = `optionVar -q mopMultiObjToolImportNamespace`;
    	progressBar -e -min 0 -pr 1 -max `size $selection` mopMultiObjToolProgress;
    	int $done = 0;
    	for ( $item in $selection ) {
    		// Skip selected folders.
    		if ( `match "\\[ " $item` != "" ) continue;
    		// Import the OBJ.
    		string $file = ( $path + $item );
    		if ( !`file -q -ex $file` ) warning( "File not found: " + toNativePath( $file ) );
    		string $prefix = basename( `tolower $file`, ".obj" );
    		string $cmd = "file -import -type \"OBJ\" ";
    		if ( $options == "\"mo=0\"" ) {
    			$cmd += "-ra true ";
    			if ( $namespace )
    				$cmd += ( "-ns \"" + $prefix + "\" " );
    				$cmd += ( "-rpr \"" + $prefix + "\" " );
    		else {
    			if ( $namespace )
    				$cmd += ( "-ns \"" + $prefix + "\" " );
    		$cmd += ( "-op " + $options + " -pr " );
    		$cmd += ( "\"" + $file + "\"" );
    		eval( $cmd );
    		progressBar -e -s 1 mopMultiObjToolProgress;
    	print ( "// Successfully imported " + $done + " OBJ files. //\n" );
    	progressBar -e -pr 0 mopMultiObjToolProgress;
    // Procedure to export the selection to separate files.
    global proc mopMultiObjTool.export() {
    	string $sel[] = `ls -sl -l -tr`;
    	if ( `size $sel` == 0 ) error "Nothing selected.";
    	string $path = `textField -q -fi mopMultiObjToolSrcPath`;
    	// Get valid exports.
    	string $objs[] = {};
    	for ( $obj in $sel ) {
    		string $shapes[] = `listRelatives -type "mesh" $obj`;
    		if ( `size $shapes` > 0 )
    			$objs[ `size $objs` ] = $obj;
    	if ( `size $objs` == 0 ) error "None of the selected objects made valid OBJ files.";
    	string $options = mopMultiObjTool.getExportOptions();
    	progressBar -e -min 0 -pr 1 -max `size $objs` mopMultiObjToolProgress;
    	int $done = 0;
    	for ( $obj in $objs ) {
    		string $tokens[] = {};
    		int $numTokens = `tokenize $obj "|" $tokens`;
    		string $file = ( $path + $tokens[ $numTokens - 1 ] + ".obj" );
    		select -r $obj;
    		file -f -es -type "OBJexport" -op $options $file;
    		progressBar -e -s 1 mopMultiObjToolProgress;
    	// Reselect the original selection.
    	select -r $sel;
    	progressBar -e -min 0 -pr 0 -max 1 mopMultiObjToolProgress;
    	print ( "// Successfully exported " + $done + " objects to OBJ. //\n" );
    // Procedure to export the selection separate files.
    global proc mopMultiObjTool.browse( string $filename, string $fileType ) {
    	textField -e -fi $filename mopMultiObjToolSrcPath;
    // Procedure to make sure the source path always ends in \.
    global proc mopMultiObjTool.checkSourcePath() {
    	string $path = `textField -q -fi mopMultiObjToolSrcPath`;
    	if ( $path == "" ) return;
    	if ( !endsWith( $path, "/" ) )
    		textField -e -fi ( $path + "/" ) mopMultiObjToolSrcPath;
    // Procedure to build the list of files to display.
    global proc mopMultiObjTool.getFiles() {
    	string $fileList = "mopMultiObjToolFileList";
    	string $contents = "mopMultiObjToolContents";
    	string $path = `textField -q -fi mopMultiObjToolSrcPath`;
    	// Store previous list selection.
    	string $origSel[] = `textScrollList -q -si $fileList`;
    	// Clear the list.
    	int $numFiles = 0;
    	textScrollList -e -en 1 -ra $fileList;
    	// Early out if the path doesn't exist.
    	if ( !`file -q -ex $path` ) {
    		textScrollList -e -en 0 $fileList;
    		text -e -l "Specified folder does not exist." $contents;
    	string $filter = `textField -q -text mopMultiObjToolFilter`;
    	// Add folders if required.
    	if ( `menuItem -q -cb mopMultiObjToolFolderChk` ) {
    		// Add the "up a level" option if required.
    		string $tokens[] = {};
    		int $numTokens = `tokenize $path "/" $tokens`;
    		if ( $numTokens > 1 ) textScrollList -e -a "[ .. ]" $fileList;
    		// Populate the file list with a subfolder list and OBJ file list.
    		string $files[] = `getFileList -fld $path`;
    		for ( $file in $files ) {
    			if ( `filetest -d ( $path + $file )` ) {
    				int $show = 1;
    				if ( $filter != "" && $filter != "*" ) {
    					if ( `match $filter $file` == "" ) $show = 0;
    				if ( $show ) {
    					string $folderName = ( "[ " + $file + " ]" );
    					textScrollList -e -a $folderName $fileList;
    	// Get OBJ files.
    	string $files[] = `getFileList -fld $path -fs "*.obj"`;
    	for ( $file in $files ) {
    		int $show = 1;
    		if ( $filter != "" && $filter != "*" ) {
    			if ( `match $filter $file` == "" ) $show = 0;
    		if ( $show ) {
    			textScrollList -e -a $file $fileList;
    	// Try to reselect the original selection.
    	string $newItems[] = `textScrollList -q -ai $fileList`;
    	for ( $item in $origSel ) {
    		if ( `stringArrayContains $item $newItems` )
    			textScrollList -e -si $item $fileList;
    	// Update the contents text.
    	if ( $numFiles == 0 )
    		text -e -l "No OBJ files found." $contents;
    	else if ( $numFiles == 1 )
    		text -e -l "1 OBJ file found." $contents;
    		text -e -l ( $numFiles + " OBJ files found." ) $contents;
    // Procedure to import from a double-click command.
    global proc mopMultiObjTool.importDCC() {
    	string $fileList = "mopMultiObjToolFileList";
    	string $path = `textField -q -fi mopMultiObjToolSrcPath`;
    	string $selection[] = `textScrollList -q -si $fileList`;
    	if ( `size $selection` == 0 ) error "No valid selection.";
    	// Browse up a level.
    	string $item = $selection[ 0 ];
    	if ( $item == "[ .. ]" ) {
    		string $tokens[] = {};
    		int $numTokens = `tokenize $path "/" $tokens`;
    		if ( $numTokens > 1 ) {
    			string $newPath = "";
    			for ( $i = 0; $i < $numTokens - 1; $i++ ) {
    				$newPath += $tokens[ $i ] + "/";
    			textField -e -fi $newPath mopMultiObjToolSrcPath;
    	// Go into the subfolder.
    	if ( `match "\\[ " $item` == "[ " ) {
    		$item = `substitute "\\[ " $item ""`;
    		$item = `substitute " \\]" $item ""`;
    		string $folder = ( $path + $item );
    		if ( !`file -q -ex $folder` ) {
    			error( "Folder not found: " + toNativePath( $folder ) );
    		textField -e -fi $folder mopMultiObjToolSrcPath;
    	// Import the selected item.
    	string $file = ( $path + $item );
    	if ( !`file -q -ex $file` ) error( "File not found: " + toNativePath( $file ) );
    	progressBar -e -min 0 -pr 1 -max 1 mopMultiObjToolProgress;
    	string $options = mopMultiObjTool.getImportOptions();
    	int $namespace = `optionVar -q mopMultiObjToolImportNamespace`;
    	string $prefix = basename( `tolower $file`, ".obj" );
    	string $cmd = "file -import -type \"OBJ\" ";
    	if ( $options == "\"mo=0\"" ) {
    		$cmd += "-ra true ";
    		if ( $namespace )
    			$cmd += ( "-ns \"" + $prefix + "\" " );
    			$cmd += ( "-rpr \"" + $prefix + "\" " );
    	else {
    		if ( $namespace )
    			$cmd += ( "-ns \"" + $prefix + "\" " );
    	$cmd += ( "-op " + $options + " -pr " );
    	$cmd += ( "\"" + $file + "\"" );
    	eval( $cmd );
    	progressBar -e -pr 0 mopMultiObjToolProgress;
    // Procedure to export the selection to a specific file.
    global proc mopMultiObjTool.exportToFile() {
    	// Early out if no selection.
    	string $sel[] = `ls -sl`;
    	if ( `size $sel` == 0 ) error "No nodes were selected. Nothing to export.";
    	string $fileList = "mopMultiObjToolFileList";
    	string $path = `textField -q -fi mopMultiObjToolSrcPath`;
    	// Make sure there's only one item selected.
    	string $selection[] = `textScrollList -q -si $fileList`;
    	if ( `size $selection` != 1 ) error "Please select exactly one valid OBJ file from the list.";
    	// Make sure it's actually a valid file.
    	string $file = $selection[ 0 ];
    	if ( !`file -q -ex ( $path + $file )` ) error "Please select exactly one valid OBJ file from the list.";
    	// Prompt for overwriting.
    	string $msg = "Are you sure you want to overwrite this file?\n";
    	$msg += ( "\n " + $path + $file + "\n" );
    	string $result = `confirmDialog
    		-title "Export selected"
    		-message $msg
    		-button "OK"
    		-button "Cancel"
    		-defaultButton "OK"
    		-cancelButton "Cancel"
    		-dismissString "Cancel"`;
    	if ( $result != "OK" ) return;
    	string $options = mopMultiObjTool.getExportOptions();
    	file -f -es -type "OBJexport" -op $options ( $path + $file );
    	print ( "// Successfully exported selection to: " + $path + $file + " //\n" );
    // Procedure to delete selected files.
    global proc mopMultiObjTool.delete() {
    	string $fileList = "mopMultiObjToolFileList";
    	string $path = `textField -q -fi mopMultiObjToolSrcPath`;
    	string $selection[] = `textScrollList -q -si $fileList`;
    	// Build list of names for prompt.
    	int $num = 0;
    	string $msg = "Are you sure you want to delete the following files?\n";
    	for ( $file in $selection ) {
    		if ( `file -q -ex ( $path + $file )` ) {
    			$msg += ( "\n " + $path + $file );
    	$msg += "\n ";
    	// Early out if no OBJs were selected.
    	if ( $num == 0 ) error "No valid OBJs selected.";
    	string $result = `confirmDialog
    		-title "Delete selected"
    		-message $msg
    		-button "OK"
    		-button "Cancel"
    		-defaultButton "OK"
    		-cancelButton "Cancel"
    		-dismissString "Cancel"`;
    	if ( $result != "OK" ) return;
    	progressBar -e -min 0 -pr 1 -max $num mopMultiObjToolProgress;
    	int $done = 0;
    	for ( $file in $selection ) {
    		if ( `file -q -ex ( $path + $file )` ) {
    			sysFile -del ( $path + $file );
    			progressBar -e -s 1 mopMultiObjToolProgress;
    	print ( "// Successfully deleted " + $done + " OBJ files. //\n" );
    	progressBar -e -pr 0 mopMultiObjToolProgress;
    // Procedure to browse to the containing folder.
    global proc mopMultiObjTool.explore() {
    	string $path = `textField -q -fi mopMultiObjToolSrcPath`;
    	if ( `file -q -ex $path` )
    		system( "explorer /root," + toNativePath( $path ) );
    		error( "Path not found: " + $path );
    global proc mopMultiObjTool() {
    	// Create the window.
    	string $wnd = "mopMultiObjToolWnd";
    	int $width = 300;
    	if ( `window -q -ex $wnd` ) deleteUI -wnd $wnd;
    	window -s 0 -mxb 0 -mnb 0 -t "MoP's Multi OBJ Tools" $wnd;
    	// Create the UI controls.
    	string $form = `formLayout -p $wnd`;
    	// Source folder browser.
    	string $srcText = `text -l "Source folder:"`;
    	string $srcFolder = `textField
    		-w ( $width - 38 )
    		-fi ""
    		-cc mopMultiObjTool.getFiles
    	string $srcBtn = `button
    		-l "..."
    		-h 20
    		-ann "Browse for source folder..."
    		-c "fileBrowserDialog -m 4 -fc \"mopMultiObjTool.browse\" -ft \"directory\" -an \"Select Source Folder\""`;
    	string $s1 = `separator -hr 1 -style "in"`;
    	// Filter field.
    	string $filterText = `text -l "Filter:"`;
    	string $filter = `textField
    		-text ""
    		-cc mopMultiObjTool.getFiles
    	// File list.
    	string $contents = `text -l "" mopMultiObjToolContents`;
    	string $fileList = `textScrollList
    		-ams 1
    		-nr 25
    		-dcc mopMultiObjTool.importDCC
    		-dkc mopMultiObjTool.delete
    	// Popup menu.
    	popupMenu -button 3 -p $fileList;
    	string $exportToFile = `menuItem
    		-l "Export Selected to This File"
    		-ann "Export the selected objects to this OBJ file"
    		-c mopMultiObjTool.exportToFile`;
    		-l "Delete the Selected Files"
    		-ann "Delete all selected OBJ files"
    		-c mopMultiObjTool.delete;
    	menuItem -d 1;
    		-l "Refresh File List"
    		-ann "Scan the source folder for new files"
    		-c mopMultiObjTool.getFiles;
    		-l "Open Containing Folder"
    		-ann "Open the folder containing these OBJ files in Explorer"
    		-c mopMultiObjTool.explore;
    	menuItem -d 1;
    	// Import/Export Options sub-menu.
    	menuItem -l "Import/Export Options" -subMenu 1;
    		-checkBox 0
    		-l "Export Groups"
    		-c mopMultiObjTool.setOptions
    		-checkBox 0
    		-l "Export Point Groups"
    		-c mopMultiObjTool.setOptions
    		-checkBox 0
    		-l "Export Materials"
    		-c mopMultiObjTool.setOptions
    		-checkBox 0
    		-l "Export Smoothing"
    		-c mopMultiObjTool.setOptions
    		-checkBox 0
    		-l "Export Normals"
    		-c mopMultiObjTool.setOptions
    	menuItem -d 1;
    		-checkBox 0
    		-l "Import as Multiple Objects"
    		-c mopMultiObjTool.setOptions
    		-checkBox 0
    		-l "Import into Namespace"
    		-c mopMultiObjTool.setOptions
    	setParent -menu ..;
    	// Show Folders option.
    		-checkBox 0
    		-l "Show Folders"
    		-ann "Display folders for browsing in the file list"
    		-c mopMultiObjTool.getFiles
    	// Progress bar.
    	string $progress = `progressBar -h 20 mopMultiObjToolProgress`;
    	// Replace is disabled for now since you can bring in objects with groups.
    	// TODO: Figure out a way to handle this nicely if possible.
    	string $replaceChk = `checkBox
    		-v 0
    		-l "Replace existing objects"
    		-ann "When importing, replace existing objects with the same name in the scene"
    		-vis 0
    	string $s2 = `separator -hr 1 -style "in"`;
    	// Import/Export buttons
    	string $importBtn = `button
    		-l "Import"
    		-ann "Import selected files"
    		-c mopMultiObjTool.import`;
    	string $exportBtn = `button
    		-l "Export"
    		-ann "Export selection to OBJ using the object names as the file name"
    		-c mopMultiObjTool.export`;
    	string $closeBtn = `button
    		-l "Close"
    		-ann "Close the Multi OBJ Tool window"
    		-c ( "mopMultiObjTool.setOptions; evalDeferred( \"deleteUI -wnd " + $wnd + "\" );" )`;
    	// Lay out the UI controls.
    	formLayout -e
    		-af $srcText	"top"		5
    		-af $srcText	"left"		5
    		-ac $srcFolder	"top"		0	$srcText
    		-af $srcFolder	"left"		5
    		-ac $srcBtn		"top"		0	$srcText
    		-ac $srcBtn		"left"		0	$srcFolder
    		-af $srcBtn		"right"		5
    		-ac $s1			"top"		5	$srcFolder
    		-af $s1			"left"		5
    		-af $s1			"right"		5
    		-ac $filterText	"top"		8	$s1
    		-ap $filterText	"left"		50	50
    		-ac $filter		"top"		5	$s1
    		-ac $filter		"left"		0	$filterText
    		-af $filter		"right"		5
    		-ac $contents	"top"		8	$s1
    		-af $contents	"left"		5
    		-ac $fileList	"top"		5	$contents
    		-af $fileList	"left"		5
    		-af $fileList	"right"		5
    		-ac $progress	"top"		5	$fileList
    		-af $progress	"left"		5
    		-af $progress	"right"		5
    		-ac $s2			"top"		5	$progress
    		-af $s2			"left"		5
    		-af $s2			"right"		5
    		-af $importBtn	"left"		5
    		-af $importBtn	"bottom"	5
    		-ap $importBtn	"right"		1	33
    		-ap $exportBtn	"left"		1	33
    		-af $exportBtn	"bottom"	5
    		-ap $exportBtn	"right"		1	67
    		-ap $closeBtn	"left"		1	67
    		-af $closeBtn	"bottom"	5
    		-af $closeBtn	"right"		5
    	// Get the saved options.
    	// Get initial file list.
    	// Show the window.
    	window -e -wh $width 500 $wnd;
    	showWindow $wnd;
    	// Try to load the OBJExport.mll plugin if it isn't already.
    	string $plugin = "objExport";
    	if ( catch( `loadPlugin -quiet $plugin` ) ) {
    		warning( "Plug-in '" + $plugin + "' was not found. OBJ Export features will not be available." );
    		menuItem -e -en 0 $exportToFile;
    		button -e -en 0 $exportBtn;
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