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Starting Afresh

polycounter lvl 12
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Baron Flame polycounter lvl 12
Hey everyone,
Recently I lost my old hard disk with all of my work on it which has given a rather unique opportunity. Previously my approach was unorganized, messy and that of a person that has no idea of what he is doing. I used to run away from Zbrush, texturing and lighting. With all of my work gone, I am taking this as an opportunity to start from scratch, to begin anew. I haven't touched any 3D package or even PS for the past 9 odd months simply because I didn't have a system to work on till now(I moved to Canada then and have just bought myself a system a week ago(had to save up)). Now that I have something to work on, not only do I want to start afresh but I want to take an organized approach. Instead of going with Maya, I am going with Max(which I wanted to begin with in the first place but due to course requirements couldn't) this time around along with learning Zbrush, CryEngine 3 and improving my sketching. My question after all this rant is simple, how do I approach it?
Max, Sketching -> Zbrush -> Game Enging or another way.
I would also like to point out that I work full time(graveyard shift, 20 days a month) so I don't have as much time on my hands as I would've wanted to). Soooooooo, any ideas fellas? xD


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