"Every developer dreams of creating games for the Star Wars universe. We look forward to hiring well over a thousand developers to create the ambitious, AAA masterpiece games this deal envisions. We also look forward to firing all of these replaceable Meat Puppets as each product nears completion. We'll make millions and millions of dollars! Yay us!"
Note: quote has been edited for sarcasm and likely future events
Interesting, they mentioned DICE, Visceral, and Bioware by name for making the next star wars games.. I mean, Battlefield: Star Wars could be pretty cool! Maybe a new KOTOR? How bad could it be.
How bad? You'll get a choice of red or green lightsabers in Kotor3, other colours are paid dlc, access to your lightsaber comes midgame, but for only $4.99 you can unlock it right away to get the ultimate Jedi experience.
Fan favourite character HK-47 appears as a party member, but he was so badly damaged in the time between Kotor2 and 3, his vocaliser needs replacing, but it's a pre-order bonus only available through select retailers
Star Wars games are great when they aren't treading the same ground over and over again - that's why the reveal that 1313 was changed to feature Boba Fett as the main character was such a huge disappointment.
Star Wars games are great when they aren't treading the same ground over and over again - that's why the reveal that 1313 was changed to feature Boba Fett as the main character was such a huge disappointment.
wait wait wait...........how could anything featuring the fettman be a dissapointment. that woulda made me 10x more interested.
wait wait wait...........how could anything featuring the fettman be a dissapointment. that woulda made me 10x more interested.
for the very reason posted right above you.
Boba Fett would have never existed if someone wasn't given a chance and create him.
In the past 30 years, we've had nothing BUT Boba Fett stories. We're missing all new awesome bounty hunters because they're too focused on just recycling everything over and over again, thus robbing us of the potential the SW license has to offer.
It's awesome! Ancient sci-fi alien technology is something I don't see terribly often, and i feel they do a really good job with the world and look and feel of everything.
wait wait wait...........how could anything featuring the fettman be a dissapointment. that woulda made me 10x more interested.
Anything Fett related spends most of its time undoing what Lucas did. There is so much to untangle you might not get to anything badass until the 2nd or 3rd game... I think its easier to just take another direction and not deal with all the baggage.
There are potentially good games that could come from this. The studios they mentioned are solid studios, and could easily cook up some solid Star Wars titles.
Visceral's style of game would fit decently into the Star Wars universe, especially if they focused on a non-Jedi character. (a Visceral Star Wars title about a smuggler or gun-for-hire would be great) Bioware is a fine fit for a new single-player KOTOR. (or just Star Wars themed RPGs in general) And DICE could resurrect the Battlefront series.
At the same time, giving EA the Star Wars license en-masse will eliminate any franchise competition. EA won't have any other developers to measure up to. And I'm worried that the homogenization that has begun to plague the rest of their franchises will swiftly be integrated into future Star Wars titles.
On an upnote - I know at least one ex-lucas-arts dude who is working at one of these EA studios now...Hopefully this ends up being helpful to at least some of the people who lost their jobs because of this stuff recently...
*yawn* ...really? 1313 made me excited again but I wouldn't complain if the industry finally stopped their "oh let's play it safe" strategy franchise recycling. For star wars it would be a really good time right now. But with Disney and EA I guess they'll manage to wring and mangle it for the next 30 years.
...and I had so high hopes when Bioware finally came up with a new universe. But meh, whom am I kidding. They belong to EA now too.
Honestly, I'd like to see a Star Wars game that has the combat system of TFU, the RPG elements of Mass Effect, and have a multitude of planets to visit (also kind of like Mass Effect). It would be nice if it had the free roam aspect of ME1's side missions and have opportunities to discover places of lost Jedi/Sith wisdom (i.e. Force powers, saber combat forms, etc.). Perhaps a storyline pertaining to the "Dawn of the Jedi" comic?
Well before this it sounded like the only Star Wars games we would ever see again would be on iPhone. Now some of the best studios in the world will be working on them.
...and there was Star Wars Galaxies before Bioware's MMO. But okay, how could they not have anticipated that everyone and their dog wants to play a Jedi? And that the huge amount of Jedi characters would just render the whole experience ridiculous... ah well, SWG was fun for a while though. Shame it didn't last.
I know most people thought DICE for the Battlefront remake, but my mind went to Bioware. I don't know how many played the multiplayer in ME3, but personally, I really enjoyed it, and would love to see them take a shot at something like Battlefront. After I read the news yesterday I went home and played Battlefront II until I went to bed, love that game. I'll hold out on judgement until we find out who's making what, I'm just happy we're getting more Star Wars games.
Im hoping dice does battlefront like they do the bf franchise, insane over the top singleplayer in the boots of a smuggler or trooper and then the usual amazing multiplayer.
Sheesh, when did Polycount turn in to such a hive of complaining and whining?
I'm sorry. I know I'm being a bit pessimistic about this. And really, good things COULD come from it. We know that there are good developers at the EA studios. I've personally played good games that they've put out.
I just see the corporate side of EA as a publisher leaking into all of their creative efforts. And its starting to effect the quality of the titles they produce. And I've seen whats happened with EA Sports and their annualized practices with the exclusive licenses they've acquired. Having EA flouncing around with the Star Wars IP in their back pocket just strikes me as a negative development. I've liked a lot of Star Wars games over the years. I'm just not confident that EA will be good stewards.
I know most people thought DICE for the Battlefront remake, but my mind went to Bioware. I don't know how many played the multiplayer in ME3, but personally, I really enjoyed it, and would love to see them take a shot at something like Battlefront. After I read the news yesterday I went home and played Battlefront II until I went to bed, love that game. I'll hold out on judgement until we find out who's making what, I'm just happy we're getting more Star Wars games.
Yeah but then there'd be really forced and uncomfortable sex scenes between Han and Greedo.... I'd rather DICE helmed most of the Star Wars games.
We know that there are good developers at the EA studios. I've personally played good games that they've put out.
I just see the corporate side of EA as a publisher leaking into all of their creative efforts.
This and Origin (thanks for blocking my credit cards, Digital River) and their "creative" DRM measures. Or all DLC costs 4 bioware points but you can only buy the points in 5-packs (haha. very funny). The non game dev folks are pretty good at EA for spoiling otherwise great products for me
im not going to say anything negative because there could be some good games that come out of all this.
for those of you who think that games are so different from film that the big studios are not going to pull the total clusterfuck on the artists like they are now doing in the film industry take notice.
you have one of the largest film/media studios in a merger with one of the largest game publishers. disney holds the ip and is calling the shots. if your at one of these studios make sure your ready for the email that announce the wonderful plans for EA Bangalore!!! and all the exciting new positions you will be forced to take training your replacements who work for 5 dollars an hour...
Maybe hire a Bangalorian for $5 an hour so he can teach you the difference between 'your' and 'you're'. And when to capitalize. (hint; it's not only when referring to the almighty evil corporations)
if your at one of these studios make sure your ready for the email that announce the wonderful plans for EA Bangalore!!! and all the exciting new positions you will be forced to take training your replacements who work for 5 dollars an hour...
I've seen it happen, it didn't really work out that great for the studio. They've went from a AAA studio to mid-tier casual.
So a Hollywood comparison would be Dreamworks outsourcing it's entire staff and going from "How to Train Your Dragon" to making straight to DVD movies.
AND EA already extensively uses outsourcing - nothing is going to change there.
AND EA already extensively uses outsourcing - nothing is going to change there.
Yeah, that aspect of the business will remain the same.
What worries me is that all PC Star Wars releases going forward are going to be exclusive to Origin. I don't want Origin. So even if they manage to release a kick-ass Star Wars Battlefield game, I'm not going to want it for my PC.
EA already botched the Old Republic MMO pretty badly. They didn't botch it in the development side of things, they botched it when it came to the business. I don't want to see more of that applied to the Star Wars franchise going forward. But I strongly suspect that we will.
if you disagree with something then give a well reasoned rebuttal. if you read justin's post he does that quite succinctly. posting 4chan level drivel should stay on 4chan. when you want to make this your career for 10+ years these issues are important and the more you know about the 'big picture' and the market helps you protect yourself and your family. you go through a few mass layoffs and studios that are run like a sweatshop and some of that twinkle in your eye might get a bit dull.
and as we all know capital letters cause global warming. so shame on you.
unfortunately your about 10 years to late to get any shock value with that sort of poop. people have gotten use to the fact that low iq simpletons throw out baseless attacks on the internet when they feel unable to argue a coherent point.
you need to pump it up a notch and call people 'baby killers'. maybe 'sodomizer of the elderly' that might get peoples attention.
it seems like the only thing you contribute are fanboy posts. you obviously don't know anything about the business of productions studios. and have NO respect for the artists that work in them. if thats all you have to say and no coherent point, back to 4chan with you...
For fucks sake guys take it to pm... knock it off. This thread should make people happy on here not turn into a cesspool of hatred and shit talking.
More Star Wars games are gonna get made. Jobs will be available or at least people will get to keep jobs they currently have. Sounds like a win win to me.
For fucks sake guys take it to pm... knock it off. This thread should make people happy on here not turn into a cesspool of hatred and shit talking.
More Star Wars games are gonna get made. Jobs will be available or at least people will get to keep jobs they currently have. Sounds like a win win to me.
I'm not sure that's entirely true, we'll have studios being streamlined into making starwars game with the hope that they'll score gold considering that the exclusivity probably had some cost connected to it.
We'll have a mountain of expensive starwars titles that act as less than stellar games and the eventual end of the line layoffs as they didn't meet the mountains of gold expectations that they saw in starwars.
Note: quote has been edited for sarcasm and likely future events
Aren't you thinking of Activision?
This feels like a slap in the face and a boot in the ass to all of the ex-LucasArts employees.
Now I know what studio to avoid.
Fan favourite character HK-47 appears as a party member, but he was so badly damaged in the time between Kotor2 and 3, his vocaliser needs replacing, but it's a pre-order bonus only available through select retailers
Loved this part, good or bad I would rather them try new games with new storys than EA just doing shity movie tie in games.
wait wait wait...........how could anything featuring the fettman be a dissapointment. that woulda made me 10x more interested.
for the very reason posted right above you.
Boba Fett would have never existed if someone wasn't given a chance and create him.
In the past 30 years, we've had nothing BUT Boba Fett stories. We're missing all new awesome bounty hunters because they're too focused on just recycling everything over and over again, thus robbing us of the potential the SW license has to offer.
It's awesome! Ancient sci-fi alien technology is something I don't see terribly often, and i feel they do a really good job with the world and look and feel of everything.
Anything Fett related spends most of its time undoing what Lucas did. There is so much to untangle you might not get to anything badass until the 2nd or 3rd game... I think its easier to just take another direction and not deal with all the baggage.
There are potentially good games that could come from this. The studios they mentioned are solid studios, and could easily cook up some solid Star Wars titles.
Visceral's style of game would fit decently into the Star Wars universe, especially if they focused on a non-Jedi character. (a Visceral Star Wars title about a smuggler or gun-for-hire would be great) Bioware is a fine fit for a new single-player KOTOR. (or just Star Wars themed RPGs in general) And DICE could resurrect the Battlefront series.
At the same time, giving EA the Star Wars license en-masse will eliminate any franchise competition. EA won't have any other developers to measure up to. And I'm worried that the homogenization that has begun to plague the rest of their franchises will swiftly be integrated into future Star Wars titles.
heh yeah, doesn't sound too great does it.
But does this mean starwars 1313 moves over to a new division then? Could be cool if that were the direction they were thinking of heading
...and I had so high hopes when Bioware finally came up with a new universe. But meh, whom am I kidding. They belong to EA now too.
But that is all I need.
The difference is shrinking by the financial quarter...
BUT. If this means the 1313 refresh gets released (to Bobba Fett version), all good. Cause I really don't think we're ever getting Prey 2.
Battlefront made by the guys at DICE, sign me the fudge up! :thumbup:
surreal times
There's also the failed move to an mmo with the old republic when people wanted a new knights of the old republic instead.
People in this thread seems mostly positive about it though, especially with the possibility of a battlefront type game.
I for one cant wait for either Bioware or DICE to put their spin on the battlefront series.
I'm sorry. I know I'm being a bit pessimistic about this. And really, good things COULD come from it. We know that there are good developers at the EA studios. I've personally played good games that they've put out.
I just see the corporate side of EA as a publisher leaking into all of their creative efforts. And its starting to effect the quality of the titles they produce. And I've seen whats happened with EA Sports and their annualized practices with the exclusive licenses they've acquired. Having EA flouncing around with the Star Wars IP in their back pocket just strikes me as a negative development. I've liked a lot of Star Wars games over the years. I'm just not confident that EA will be good stewards.
Yeah but then there'd be really forced and uncomfortable sex scenes between Han and Greedo.... I'd rather DICE helmed most of the Star Wars games.
This and Origin (thanks for blocking my credit cards, Digital River) and their "creative" DRM measures. Or all DLC costs 4 bioware points but you can only buy the points in 5-packs (haha. very funny). The non game dev folks are pretty good at EA for spoiling otherwise great products for me
for those of you who think that games are so different from film that the big studios are not going to pull the total clusterfuck on the artists like they are now doing in the film industry take notice.
you have one of the largest film/media studios in a merger with one of the largest game publishers. disney holds the ip and is calling the shots. if your at one of these studios make sure your ready for the email that announce the wonderful plans for EA Bangalore!!! and all the exciting new positions you will be forced to take training your replacements who work for 5 dollars an hour...
Maybe hire a Bangalorian for $5 an hour so he can teach you the difference between 'your' and 'you're'. And when to capitalize. (hint; it's not only when referring to the almighty evil corporations)
I've seen it happen, it didn't really work out that great for the studio. They've went from a AAA studio to mid-tier casual.
So a Hollywood comparison would be Dreamworks outsourcing it's entire staff and going from "How to Train Your Dragon" to making straight to DVD movies.
AND EA already extensively uses outsourcing - nothing is going to change there.
Yeah, that aspect of the business will remain the same.
What worries me is that all PC Star Wars releases going forward are going to be exclusive to Origin. I don't want Origin. So even if they manage to release a kick-ass Star Wars Battlefield game, I'm not going to want it for my PC.
EA already botched the Old Republic MMO pretty badly. They didn't botch it in the development side of things, they botched it when it came to the business. I don't want to see more of that applied to the Star Wars franchise going forward. But I strongly suspect that we will.
if you disagree with something then give a well reasoned rebuttal. if you read justin's post he does that quite succinctly. posting 4chan level drivel should stay on 4chan. when you want to make this your career for 10+ years these issues are important and the more you know about the 'big picture' and the market helps you protect yourself and your family. you go through a few mass layoffs and studios that are run like a sweatshop and some of that twinkle in your eye might get a bit dull.
and as we all know capital letters cause global warming. so shame on you.
And not using capital letters will get your resume thrown in the bin, so I don't think you can blame your future prospects on 'the foreigners'.
unfortunately your about 10 years to late to get any shock value with that sort of poop. people have gotten use to the fact that low iq simpletons throw out baseless attacks on the internet when they feel unable to argue a coherent point.
you need to pump it up a notch and call people 'baby killers'. maybe 'sodomizer of the elderly' that might get peoples attention.
it seems like the only thing you contribute are fanboy posts. you obviously don't know anything about the business of productions studios. and have NO respect for the artists that work in them. if thats all you have to say and no coherent point, back to 4chan with you...
More Star Wars games are gonna get made. Jobs will be available or at least people will get to keep jobs they currently have. Sounds like a win win to me.
Dude. Lol, perfect.
I'm not sure that's entirely true, we'll have studios being streamlined into making starwars game with the hope that they'll score gold considering that the exclusivity probably had some cost connected to it.
We'll have a mountain of expensive starwars titles that act as less than stellar games and the eventual end of the line layoffs as they didn't meet the mountains of gold expectations that they saw in starwars.