This is my first post here and it's already a question, I hope some of you guys can enlighten me on importing motion capture data into 3ds Max for use in a computer game.
I've read alot of posts here and articles about motion capture elsewhere, but none gave me the answer I need.
As I understand, without the scripting knowledge, I have to take on a different approach with importing data into Max. My main concern is the 3 different skeletons I'm supposed to have (mocap data,IK,FK) and animation layers...
Am I suppose to import the mocap data in the scene before I make the FK-IK skeletons with blends?
If that is so, will I have to constrain mocaped skeleton each time I will load a new data into scene or is there some other way I can import data to the already rigged skeletons?
I've did some tests where I imported fbx mocap data without the animation, just the skeleton. I then made the FK-IK blend slider for one arm, but when I did another import of the same fbx, this time with animation, all of the constraints of the FK-IK blend slider were wiped out of the original skeleton...
If this is the issue that needs attention of animation layers, I am to load mocap data into one layer and having FK-IK skeletons in another?
You don't need 3 skeletons depending on what you need you might not need fk or ik. You can load the fbx on a dummy skeleton and then use this skeleton to drive your control rig. Check thearea.net website about motion capture there's a good tutorial regarding this matter.
Link: http://area.autodesk.com/blogs/louis/3ds_max_and_motion_builder_workflow_and_a_bit_of_kinect
Read the fourth part
Once this is done you can simply bake/ transfer the animation data onto your control rig ( or google search for a baking animation script)
The best solution imo would be to script the fbx loading process.But then i'd also suggest to not use max's anim layer and do your own.