Hello Polycounters! I've been trying to get a grip of this 3D-stuff for almost a year and I am currently getting ready to apply to a school! I have less then a week left until deadline so I need your help and expertise now with the textures as I feel that's what I'm struggling with at the moment! I'm feeling pretty comfortable with the model and textures but looking for some fine-tuning of it or if there are any major flaws I'm ready to give them a second and third work-over!
So thank you all for any feedback, I've been putting down the hours lately and I think I'm ready for some constructive public feedback! I really appreciate you taking your time and hope I will see you all around here more often

And of course; the textures! (diffuse, specular, gloss and normal map)

I've made the choice to keep the gun quite clean and sleek as it stands in the concept, therefor I've went easy on the wear and tear but if you feel it might make it a stronger piece, I'll consider changing my mind

Thanks again!
I think the skull is a little detracting.. try tone that down a bit.. maybe a dark gray rather than white.
The gun can be clean like you said, but it still needs more detail. Just some ideas for you; numbers, letters, weapon model, kill count, seams in the metal, finger prints etc.
Your metal isn't reading as metal yet too. Crank up the contrast on your spec and see if it helps any.
Your spec is non-existent in your renders too - add some lights to your scene.
Anyway good start, keep going on it. :thumbup:
Although, you could have some fun with the spec map; slight variations in tone might help.
brandoom: Thanks! Yeah I'm feeling it might shift the focus so I'll give it a re-do, cheers. I tried some of those suggested details (there actually are fingerprints in the specular, could be that the lighting is off since I'm getting a lot of negative feedback on the specular
ghaztehschmexeh: Thanks, I'll think of that in the next render session
switz: Wow, completely un-expected
peanut: Thanks, appreciate the comment
I'll post tomorrow or later this week with more work (specifically the scenes lighting and the specular map), feel free to stick around!
Cheers guys, thanks for all of your comments
I would agree with that AK. Its kicka**. Texturing on is it great.
And the flat specular map if anyone's interested!
CyberGameArts: Thanks a lot! Yeah I've seen those guns before and I agree; they're look badass! I used them both for inspiration and reference when I reworked the specular map
ZeroStrike: Haha yeah now that you mention it... but I mainly want to show that I can follow a concept and texture it in a proper way manually
Then there are things like subtle gradients, color variation and so on.
But if thats to get into a school, then its more than enough, still always push your limits.
Your presentation should be better tho, make the lights brighter its really dark, and you have a medium grey object on a medium grey background, mmh.
Some color in your texture could really make it pop also.
Btw you forgot those stripes on top right.
Shrike: Big thanks for the feedback and the paint-over! Helped a lot! Gonna get some more wear and tear on this badboy tomorrow but gonna go home and sleep now