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Polypainting Issue

Hey guys, ive poly-painted my Zbrush model but when i try to apply the GUVTiles and create the texture ready for exporting, most of my model turns completely black?

Also, ive polypainted each subtool individually, how would i go about putting every texture on one map? Obviously i cannot merge them as i will lose all my sub-division levels



  • cryrid
    Offline / Send Message
    cryrid interpolator
    Just so you know in case this is what you're doing: GUVs are not needed for baking polypaint from a sculpt to a different low poly mesh. You can export the OBJ straight out of zbrush and it will have polypaint data included, which can be picked up in programs like xnormal and baked to the actual UVs of the lowpoly mesh.

    If for some reason you need GUVs beyond baking purposes and you want everything to be on one massive jumbled map, you're going to need to find a way to have each uv island in a unique space. UV Master may let you flatten and move/scale islands around, or it may not. GoZ would be the alternative if it does not. Once each subtool has its own dedicated space, you can use the MultiMap Exporter plugin to bake and combine maps.
  • Blessed
    Well im an idiot, your first paragraph was spot on. Thanks alot!
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