Hey everyone.
Decided to make a vehicle since it has been years since I did one of those things I just said.
calling it FINISH!
I am sick of looking and thinking about it. Thanks for all of the helpful suggestions everyone......I hope it looks a bit better now.

some-thing else,some-thing else,some-thing else,
Started this yesterday. Just getting an idea of colours before I start adding details.
more soon.
Still plenty to go.
otherwise I like how it's going, I want to see it hopping over a hill
Ka dunk, ka dunk, ka dunk, heh heh.
Still going with this. Almost done with the texture.....ALMOST!. Just playing around with some ideas. Gotta finish it off soon coz I am getting over it.
Thanks again everyone :thumbup:
.............You know what they say.............
"There's no hacks like cheap hacks"
:poly142: :poly142: :poly142: :poly142:
Let me know if it is too too too dark.
Thanks everyone
Now for something new...... unless I need to brighten up this thing first......... then that thing I said. Thanks for the comments and crits everyone.
But I guess you could take it as evil is courputing/grabbing the van.
Also you cant really see the awesome little motion blurred road bit anymore, I really liked that before, was a nice touch.
Looks pretty sweet to me Duncan, a little dark on my pc but just fine on my iPhone. Calibration, grrrr.
Yeah the dark lines are supposed to be tree shadows.... maybe they don't work so much.....but I am not sure I want to take them out.... hmmmm
The tree branch shadow idea is super cool, but i do agree that it is a bit hard to figure out at first glance. In the main pic in the layout (top left corner) all you can really see of the 'tree shadows' is the two thick lines running up around the door, and it kinda looks like they're some kind of weird vein things. Maybe if you squeezed in a bit more branch variation around that area it would be easier to make out? Seeing as that is kind of the focal point of that particular image.
Besides that, i think you should make that super sick motion blurred road more visible man!
but yeah go back to a more clean background, don't want your sweet work to be overlooked because of a busy background.
I am sick of looking and thinking about it. Thanks for all of the helpful suggestions everyone......I hope it looks a bit better now.
some-thing else,some-thing else,some-thing else,