Hey everyone, I'm making a futuristic female inspired by things like Mass Effect and Oblivion (movie with Tom Cruise). I haven't made a character concept in some time and have found my 2D to be very rusty. So before I dive into 3d I want to have a decent looking concept to refer to. It doesn't need to be perfect but I would like some feedback before I start the 3d.
Here's what I have so far, I realize there's a few perspective issues here and paintovers are extrememly welcome.
I haven't put too much thought into the materials yet. I plan on having a thick cloth for the pants and something similar for the arms/shoulders. I was toying with the idea of a tactical corset that she wears... trying to make it a little sexy yet somehow effective.
The basic story behind this character is she's part of a new planets colony. Some kind of security solider while the development gets under way.

Something seems a little off to me. Any crits so far?
C&C welcome!
Her Vastus Medialis looks a tiny bit too short, her middle section of abdominals looks a bit too wide. I'd expect them to be the same or very close to the same width as the bottom section, Also I see you have the top two looking like they're sort of being squished by the rib cage, which is true, If it's a six pack your going for.
But in this case it's only 4 so they would be very similar to the middle two,
Now if you were going for a six pack then the two at the top would sort of look like what you have.
Your Scapulae are looking a little undefined, maybe it's just the angle but they look like they're quite soft like they're pads of fat or something maybe just needs a harder medial border maybe?
Anyway I'm still only learning anatomy so take it with a grain of salt might not be 100% accurate, But I hope I helped in some way
A lot of this stuff is just blocked in. I'm goin for some kind of tactical pants material and a thick leather material for the coat. It's kind of a nice contrast between small tight folds and thick flowy.
Now that you mention it. it does look like crumpled paper.... shit
I didn't like how built she looked with some of the tighter clothing i started to add. So i went back and gave her a new body. She's still in good shape, just not so ripped.
This is the before render (posted above as well)
This is the new anatomy