looks like a solid blockout, a couple things, you're missing a building on the far left entrance of the bridge. and on the far right the porch on the building should be centered over the bridge pillar.
I've started breaking down the scene into pieces and planning what textures/unique meshes to use.
Due to the buildings being different sizes and shapes I'm covering most of it with tileable textures.
I will be adding to this image as I continue to analyse each piece of the image.
Also thanks for the feedback on the blockout, I have made some changes:
Awesome! That bounce light from the tiles really sells the effect. I think it'll definitely look really cool once you apply it on all the roofs in the scene. Are you going for pure white plaster on the walls? Or like a light tinted pastel colour? Looking at the concept, I think you could go either way.
Oh and I really like the sceen breakdown you did. Gives a lot of insight and is really interesting. (I do 2D stuff mostly, but it's still really helpful!)
The tiles feel very flat in both the HP model and it's reflected in the texture of the low poly. It loses a lot of depth, I'd think it'd be really cool if you added in a few edge loops to bring back that silhouette.
A cap piece for the top of the roof where the angles meet could help also.
Thanks LongJh! I wanted to go with mainly white but a little dirty in parts. I didnt want the texture to be super rough since in the concept it looks somewhat smooth
Yeah good poing Gannon! I am planning on adding more geometry to the rooves Took all day to do all the UVs of them >.<
Thanks for the feedback Mr Significant The plaster was done with just photoshop. And I converted it into anormal map using NDO2. The ZBrush preview image was indeed a heightmap generated from my painted texture
You are really on your way to an excellent piece, your composition and details are there but your texturing execution isn't there yet. I've made this same mistake.....going too far with a block out. Go back, you've got enough made. Just pick one building, nail the texturing, get buy off from peeps and then clone that out to the rest of it. You may adjust how you modeled something during the texturing process, and it's a pain to have to go back and re-do all that work.
Totally agree with you guys
Absolutely not content with my textures thus far
Great suggestion pixelpatron! Will definitely do that
Im running through some texturing tutorials now and learning a heap of tricks I will get my textures WAY better >D
Nope not at all! I painted the texture by hand over an AO I generated from a sulpt I did
But please ignore that texture. It was not created for this project and was only placed there in that image to create a separation of the buildings and the ground :P
Yeah, this is indeed to much, I'd reduce the hue change and do some more of them (like some more green/yellow, some more orange and so on, but just slightly... maybe do a copy layer and change everything there and then take down the opacity or something like that)
how about combining your handpainted diffuse with a normalmap baked from a highpoly following your forms from the diffuse map?
you could bring in some exaggerated hard edges, to mach the stylised look.
I was curious myself, how that might work, so I did some testing:
(hope its ok I used your texture for that..)
the modeling is rathter simple of course
baked a normal-map and a height-map
put them in engine with normal and a paralax-effect based on the height map.
I think that might give a handpainted diffusetexture like this some extra intensity
@Fenyce Ah will do that thanks! I actually ended up changing the whole hue of the texture to try and match the concept art more. So it is more orangey yellow than red. Its a tough one to match due to the changing hues of the actual roofs in the concept art.
@fab-camp I was definitely considering doing that! (And yeah totally fine that you used my texture )
I will have a go myself, see what I can do with it
I think the variations are still is a little to strong (because some shingles really pop out, like they if they've been replaced by some of a diffrent color)
And there are some that have a really dark shadow underneath them... like in the middle of the towers roof, that looks a little strange to me. Is that extra geometry, while everything else is flat?
Yeah it is extra geometry
It was mainly intended for the ends of the roof tops to make them end a bit nicer
As it was they were all ending flush with each other
I added some higher up on the roof as well to try and get an uneven feel of the roof tiles. Like as if some were coming out
I think painting an AO map over that roof texture would really help it pop. The texture looks a bit flat to me. Even a faint gradient that started dark at the top of each tile and got lighter towards the end could give the illusion they are jutting out.
the new orange tint looks way better!
I think using that extra-geo is fine. maybe you need some more of these so the individual ones will standout less.
maybe you should even give every shingle at the end of the roof some geo... so that you can't tell that everything else is flat... I've seen this kind of technique with a lot of handpainted models.
Ya, a few more of the 3-d geo tiles mixed in on the roof would be good, then move on to texturing the rest of it. Wood trim and those gray corner blocks are screaming for attention. Found some decent ref for ya.
Looking good, man. I'm enjoying following this thread. Are you targeting the style of some of the reference posted here? Not just in paint, but also in your geometry? What you have is great. It feels in the vein of something along the lines of 'Fable' to me at the moment. If you wanted to bring even more stylization through, similar to some of these other examples (leaning more towards production design in WoW), you might consider grabbing a whole chunk of one of your buildings and doing some lattice work to create more of the tapering or flaring effect you see in some of pixelpatron's reference. Either method is a valid approach, it might just be something to be aware of. Good luck, I'll check back soon!
Hey guys thanks so much for all the feedback, advice and reference images! You are all a huge huge help!
I didn't have time to do a whole lot today unfortunately, but I started giving more attention to the wood and corner blocks.
I also did a slight adjustment to the roof, but haven't yet been able to make the changes you have suggested! Definitely will get onto them though!! Busy days suck so much
I am not planning to push it towards WOW style as I want to try and match the concept art more, but those references are golden for handpainted nonetheless! Will definitely use them as reference and inspiration!
Due to the buildings being different sizes and shapes I'm covering most of it with tileable textures.
I will be adding to this image as I continue to analyse each piece of the image.
Also thanks for the feedback on the blockout, I have made some changes:
getting there..
Here is some progress:
Nice start though. Look forward to seeing your progress
19 dual lightmaps, 100mb in total
Almost up to texturing!
Just finished off an assignment for uni so I can work on this a whole lot more!
So I added some more geometry, but mainly I worked on some tileables.
I avoided using any photosourced textures since I want to practice my handpainted and sculpted texturing skills
Oh and I really like the sceen breakdown you did. Gives a lot of insight and is really interesting. (I do 2D stuff mostly, but it's still really helpful!)
A cap piece for the top of the roof where the angles meet could help also.
Great progress so far though. Keep at it
How did you made that plaster? I mean the sculpt? No heightmaps or something?
Yeah good poing Gannon! I am planning on adding more geometry to the rooves
Thanks for the feedback Mr Significant
You are really on your way to an excellent piece, your composition and details are there but your texturing execution isn't there yet. I've made this same mistake.....going too far with a block out. Go back, you've got enough made. Just pick one building, nail the texturing, get buy off from peeps and then clone that out to the rest of it. You may adjust how you modeled something during the texturing process, and it's a pain to have to go back and re-do all that work.
Get it looking like this or better, then move on.
Absolutely not content with my textures thus far
Great suggestion pixelpatron! Will definitely do that
Im running through some texturing tutorials now and learning a heap of tricks
Nope not at all! I painted the texture by hand over an AO I generated from a sulpt I did
But please ignore that texture. It was not created for this project and was only placed there in that image to create a separation of the buildings and the ground :P
I decided that I will go with handpainted
Feedback would be great! Im really weak at texturing
Overkill on the hue change?
you could bring in some exaggerated hard edges, to mach the stylised look.
(hope its ok I used your texture for that..)
the modeling is rathter simple of course
baked a normal-map and a height-map
put them in engine with normal and a paralax-effect based on the height map.
I think that might give a handpainted diffusetexture like this some extra intensity
@fab-camp I was definitely considering doing that! (And yeah totally fine that you used my texture
I will have a go myself, see what I can do with it
And there are some that have a really dark shadow underneath them... like in the middle of the towers roof, that looks a little strange to me. Is that extra geometry, while everything else is flat?
Yeah it is extra geometry
It was mainly intended for the ends of the roof tops to make them end a bit nicer
As it was they were all ending flush with each other
I added some higher up on the roof as well to try and get an uneven feel of the roof tiles. Like as if some were coming out
If it really isn't working too well I'll ditch it
I think using that extra-geo is fine. maybe you need some more of these so the individual ones will standout less.
Keep going!
I didn't have time to do a whole lot today unfortunately, but I started giving more attention to the wood and corner blocks.
I also did a slight adjustment to the roof, but haven't yet been able to make the changes you have suggested! Definitely will get onto them though!! Busy days suck so much
I am not planning to push it towards WOW style as I want to try and match the concept art more, but those references are golden for handpainted nonetheless! Will definitely use them as reference and inspiration!