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Metro Last Light

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repete polycounter lvl 6
Nervous about the new release as metro 2033 was a winner in my book. The AI was a bit magnetic but I loved the game play and the story. I hope they have not killed it with cut scenes and a melodramatic cinematic story line that takes up disk space. (the trailers suggest this)

I guess we will find out in a few weeks, it survived the THQ destruction so lets see if it lives up too 2033 :)


  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    Metro 2033 is on my short list as one of the most immersive and atmospheric games ever. Besides the Half-Life series and Deus Ex, it's the only FPS I've ever replayed multiple times. I love it to death.

    I have lots of faith in 4A to get Last Light "right". Dmitri Glukhovsky, the author of the original novel, has been involved in developing the story for the game, so the team isn't just throwing stuff at the wall to write the game, either.

    I have it preordered. Once I saw the Genesis trailer, I was sold. If only 4A could get the STALKER license...
  • repete
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    repete polycounter lvl 6
    one of the most immersive and atmospheric games ever

  • blankslatejoe
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    blankslatejoe polycounter lvl 19
    +! as well...Metro2033 was surprisingly engaging...
  • ErichWK
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    ErichWK polycounter lvl 12
    One of the more immersive first person shooters I've played. Can't wait for the sequel!!
  • Kbrom12
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    Kbrom12 polycounter lvl 14
    GarageBay9 wrote: »
    as one of the most immersive and atmospheric games ever.

    +1, I cannot wait for last light
  • KarlWrang
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    KarlWrang polycounter lvl 6
    GarageBay9 wrote: »
    I have lots of faith in 4A to get Last Light "right". Dmitri Glukhovsky, the author of the original novel, has been involved in developing the story for the game, so the team isn't just throwing stuff at the wall to write the game, either.

    100% agreed! From what I've seen in terms of gameplay and trailers this could have the potential of being a really, really great.

    Super stoked
  • cptSwing
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    cptSwing polycounter lvl 13
    I can recommend the first book too, have yet to read the sequel.
  • repete
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    repete polycounter lvl 6

    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYSiiDnHSiE"]Metro: Last Light - All new gameplay: 3 Mission Blowout! Stealth! Venice! - YouTube[/ame]
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    First game was awesome and this looks to be living up as a great sequel. The lighting engine in this game is incredible as well.

    There's plans for an SDK as well, hope it comes to fruition.
  • repete
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    repete polycounter lvl 6
    There's plans for an SDK as well, hope it comes to fruition.

    Now that would be something :poly121:
  • repete
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    repete polycounter lvl 6
    After that youtube vid I am convinced it will be just as good as the first and my hat goes off to 4A Games for sticking to a wining formula.

    It's a pity no one from 4A has come on to talk about Metro and show the development of this latest release. I think 4A has about 60 people under it's belt, I am sure one of them could spare a few posts:)
  • Carl Brannstrom
    I actually consider to pre-order this!

    I was really sceptic about the first game, I just picked it up because it was like 3€ on steam. The game was slighty weird and felt a bit sloppy and the quality was varying quite a lot. The excessive amounts of flavor features was what made the game really cool though!

    No meters, numbers, messages or other gamey bullshit. If you wanted to check something out (ammo, gasmask filter, objectives, reloading) etc, you actually had to do it. You even had to pump up your flashlight when the batteries went out!

    From what I've seen from the trailers, it seems like they have kept a lot (if now all?) the flavor, which I appreciate.

    Another thing I really liked is that it's kinda tacky in a way... You know, having a regular lighter isn't enough, it has to be a lighter shaped as a rifle round! lol!
    Every cutscene has a Matrix-style slowmotion part in them.
    Monsters, demons, ghosts, mutants, nazis - every kind of foe is present.

    I don't know if it was intentional but I thought it was hilarious :p
  • rooster
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    rooster mod
    hope they've done away with the bullets = money system! I blew through half my money once by complete accident by not noticing my bullet type was set to 'high grade'. worst design decision of the game! anyway I loved it despite that, looking forward to this
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    Ark wrote: »
    There's plans for an SDK as well, hope it comes to fruition.

    I just wet my pants with excitement.

    If 4A can take the Metro engine and open it up with an SDK, they may seriously have a bantamweight UDK or Crytek competitor on their hands. Metro 2033 was BEAUTIFUL, not just the lighting but the shader work was magnificent.
    rooster wrote: »
    hope they've done away with the bullets = money system! I blew through half my money once by complete accident by not noticing my bullet type was set to 'high grade'. worst design decision of the game! anyway I loved it despite that, looking forward to this

    I did that once too, and the mil-grade vs dirty-grade swap system needed some better signposting, but once I figured out what was going on, I thought it was actually one of the best gameplay design parts. It was both storytelling and very clever, decision-forcing gameplay design at the same time, in a way nobody had done before. How often do we see that?
  • Bek
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    Bek interpolator
    I'm a greedy fool in every game, so I never brought myself to switch to military grade ammo in 2033. No matter how many games forcibly teach me the lesson "Spend your money before the end" I just never seem to learn.
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    I'm... cautiously optimistic.

    Loved the first game, glad that this one is still made by the same studio but no doubt there have been at least some transition issues due to the THQ -> DeepSilver handoff. So I'm not gonna go and pre-order, and wait a bit to see what Last Light ends up as.
  • Xendance
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    Xendance polycounter lvl 7
    Any news if they're still keeping the hardest difficulty setting (ranger mode) as a goddamn pre-order bonus?
  • Carl Brannstrom
    Thank you for your recent purchase on Steam.

    Metro: Last Light Preorder
    44.99 EUR

    Ranger mode here I come!
  • Xendance
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    Xendance polycounter lvl 7
    Thank you for your recent purchase on Steam.

    Metro: Last Light Preorder
    44.99 EUR

    Ranger mode here I come!

    ....why did you cave in? :(
    Difficulty setting should not be a pre-order bonus.
  • Di$array
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    Di$array polycounter lvl 5
    Xendance wrote: »
    ....why did you cave in? :(
    Difficulty setting should not be a pre-order bonus.

    Yeah I totally agree with you there. But maybe this time round its an earlier unlock code rather than DLC.
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    Bek wrote: »
    I'm a greedy fool in every game, so I never brought myself to switch to military grade ammo in 2033. No matter how many games forcibly teach me the lesson "Spend your money before the end" I just never seem to learn.

    sane happens with me I never shot any military grade info and only spent it at the start where required.
  • Carl Brannstrom
    Xendance wrote: »
    ....why did you cave in? :(
    Difficulty setting should not be a pre-order bonus.

    I agree. It wasn't the reason for pre-ordering though, I just couldn't control myself :poly124:

    If I could decide, Ranger mode would be the only mode:poly142:
  • Tim270
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    Tim270 polycounter lvl 6
    Love the books, Loved the first game (even with some of the quirks). Pre-ordered this one.
  • cptSwing
  • ambershee
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    ambershee polycounter lvl 17
    It is Ukraine - so I can't say I'm entirely surprised.
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    cptSwing wrote: »

    I was expecting details of slave-driving and psychotic studio management like Team Bondi or something along those lines that would sully both the Metro games for me.

    All I found was the idiocy of THQ during its death throes, more proof that former Soviet republics are generally lousy places to live, and a studio that fought through it all to make ANOTHER awesome game.

    I sort of feel like giving everyone at 4A a hug. :(
  • roosterMAP
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    roosterMAP polycounter lvl 14
    thats unbelievable!!! I cannot believe how good the game is considering the conditions the team was in. I will never complain about my job ever again!

    If there are any 4A guys in the team, yall did an amazing job!!!
  • repete
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    repete polycounter lvl 6
    Humbles the shit out of me this. My girlfriend is from the same city and the place does sound mental and I sure as hell hope these guys get a bloody decent studio to work out of after this release. I know people at my work are already playing the PS3 version before it has even been released and I will print this off and let the fuvkers read it !!!

    Just goes to show that team work, motivation and the drive to create something truly unique is what it's all about.

    Respect to everyone at 4A :thumbup:
  • SuperFranky
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    SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
    With working conditions and publishing problems in mind, 4A deserve a lot of respect for putting out the game of this quality. It's still not very good though, but i doubt it's devs fault.
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    With working conditions and publishing problems in mind, 4A deserve a lot of respect for putting out the game of this quality. It's still not very good though, but i doubt it's devs fault.

    82% Metacritic is "not very good"?

    I know Metacritic isn't the be-all-end-all, but the only people I've run into yet who are giving it a thumbs down are people who are complaining it's linear instead of "like Fallout".

    (yes, I'm absolutely in love with both the Metro games, no apologies there)
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    Their work conditions sound horrible, impressed they put out a solid game, I need to finish 2033 first.
  • Broadway
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    Broadway polycounter lvl 9
    Good grief the 4A guys are complete badasses. I hope these articles about their problems lead to them getting a bunch of investor cash, somehow.

    I wish nobody ever had to work in shitty conditions but man, their stoic attitude is unbelievably impressive.

    And SuperFranky, I haven't played the game yet so I can't qualify on its overall quality, but every screenshot/video I've seen has been extremely impressive from a purely artistic standpoint. Even if the game wasn't fun at all I would still be blown away by what they've accomplished.
  • Seaseme
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    Seaseme polycounter lvl 8
    Broadway wrote: »
    Good grief the 4A guys are complete badasses. I hope these articles about their problems lead to them getting a bunch of investor cash, somehow.

    I wish nobody ever had to work in shitty conditions but man, their stoic attitude is unbelievably impressive.

    And SuperFranky, I haven't played the game yet so I can't qualify on its overall quality, but every screenshot/video I've seen has been extremely impressive from a purely artistic standpoint. Even if the game wasn't fun at all I would still be blown away by what they've accomplished.

    Seriously. I'm buying it just out of solidarity - What an underdog team.
  • .polygon
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    that looks like a pretty normal office to me
  • Lloydyy89
    GarageBay9 wrote: »
    Metro 2033 is on my short list as one of the most immersive and atmospheric games ever..


    Seriously can't wait to play Last Light. I havnt pre-ordered it, but I might have to pre-load it now on Steam.

    EDIT: Bought it. Might have to stay up a bit late tonight...
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    Lloydyy89 wrote: »

    Seriously can't wait to play Last Light. I havnt pre-ordered it, but I might have to pre-load it now on Steam.

    EDIT: Bought it. Might have to stay up a bit late tonight...

    Word of advice: if you have young children, when you get to Venice, close the door.

    My son just turned 9, and I have him pretty well trained not to come into the office without knocking while I'm playing if he's been hearing gunfire, but he poked his head in this morning while I was quietly ambling through Venice and nearly got an eyefull. :poly136:
  • slipgatecentral
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    slipgatecentral polycounter lvl 13
    ZacD wrote: »
    Their work conditions sound horrible,

    It's greatly exaggerated. Working conditions may not be perfect there, but compared to chinese sweatshops its quite okay, especially if your mind is busy with development and you having a blast.
    12 years ago I used to work in much worse studio, located in the basement of old soviet-era building, with roaches, rats and shit, and I didn't mind - had a lot of fun with my team.
  • slipgatecentral
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    slipgatecentral polycounter lvl 13
    that looks like a pretty normal office to me

    one of them even has a working Cintiq
    clearly an underdog
  • Skamberin
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    Skamberin polycounter lvl 14
    Unlocked the game by proxy and offline mode on Steam (I bought it, don't give a shit about adhering to laws put on retailers) so I could play early. After 14-15 hours on the highest non ranger mode difficulty: This is trumping Bioshock Infinite as most immersive and fun fps to date for me. Some sections had me feel seriously exhausted under the pressure the atmosphere and art drives into you.

    I played it when it was dark, with headphones so that probably helped a lot.
    The game is gorgeous as hell too and everything about it is unique enough to make it it's own thing, it's still Metro, but it's a heavily improved upon Metro.

    My only issue with it is the sound design that I overall find pretty bad. Monsters and guns sound fine in some occasions but there seems to be a huge amount of sounds taken from open source sound libraries or something, stuff you've heard in cheap movies or games, which is ill fitting for such a good game.

    Overall I was hooked from the beginning, combat felt nice and terrifying in some places, the visuals are overall just astounding, it really creates a believable destroyed world gone weird and this has to be the first game where I seriously wished I could just climb under something and fucking hide until all the "bad things" were gone.

    Seriously, when a game plays monster sounds and you genuinely don't know if it's ambience or scripted based on how you move or whatnot, it's doing shit right.

    4A is awesome, I hope they give out an SDK so people can possibly go about reworking some of the sounds :P

    Also I had to run the game on Low because of my 6 year old computer and 4 year old AMD GPU, but the game still looks bloody amazing:VItbXH1.jpg
    (downscaled from 1080P)
  • DanConroy
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    DanConroy polycounter lvl 18
    I had a quick hour on it last night with it unlocking at 11pm in the UK, which is not good for work today :P



  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Played an hour or so, loving it. It's still linear, but I like the way the opened the levels up more to feel less linear than they are.

    Shooting feels a little more coddish now, that may or may not be a bad thing to some.

    Stealth is more of an option in this game, than 2033.

    On the negative side and it's just a minor gripe is that while the game looks amazing, the lighting looks more simple than it did in 2003, a lot of the contrast in the lighting and shadowing is gone.

    The volumetric lighting for the most part seems to have been replaced with a post-process effect that looks nowhere near as good.
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    Okay, 4A, you win. Nosalises are fucking terrifying now.
  • repete
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    repete polycounter lvl 6
    played about 2 hours, good to be back :)

    Also seen the PS3 version tonight, no comparison to the PC version which is a shame.

    Absolutely well done A4 congrats :thumbup:

  • Carl Brannstrom
    After 9 hours I finished Ranger hardcore. I had a blast! It was well spent money:thumbup:

    I won't write a review but here's some plus and minuses instead:

    - Some sound effects are clearly stock sounds which you have heard before from old movies/cartoons etc :poly122:
    - Some npcs doesn't have facial animations wtf?
    - Stealth is way to easy. Enemies are too oblivious/deaf.
    - Ranger mode is pre-order/dlc. (Should be default mode!)

    + Enemies no longer take 70 bullets to take down. You can take down most with 1-3.
    + All the flavour features and details!! Destrucable gas mask, filter change, smear, diffirent reload mechanisms, flash light pump generator, first person animations for opening doors, hatches, rolling around, cracking gas mask etc. and the list just goes on!
    + Combat feels tight.
    + Cool effects.
    + Interesting environments and setting.
    + Naked tits:poly136:
  • GarageBay9
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    GarageBay9 polycounter lvl 13
    After 9 hours I finished Ranger hardcore. I had a blast! It was well spent money:thumbup:

    I won't write a review but here's some plus and minuses instead:

    - Some sound effects are clearly stock sounds which you have heard before from old movies/cartoons etc :poly122:
    - Some npcs doesn't have facial animations wtf?
    - Stealth is way to easy. Enemies are too oblivious/deaf.
    - Ranger mode is pre-order/dlc. (Should be default mode!)

    + Enemies no longer take 70 bullets to take down. You can take down most with 1-3.
    + All the flavour features and details!! Destrucable gas mask, filter change, smear, diffirent reload mechanisms, flash light pump generator, first person animations for opening doors, hatches, rolling around, cracking gas mask etc. and the list just goes on!
    + Combat feels tight.
    + Cool effects.
    + Interesting environments and setting.
    + Naked tits:poly136:

    I noticed they seemed to dial down the ESP on the human enemies a little bit from last time. They were EXTREMELY alertable in 2033, stealth was a bit easier this time around. I suspect they knew they'd have a wider audience and wanted to make sure all the people trying to play it like Call of Duty weren't going to scream with rage and frustration and then badmouth the game online.

    The 1-3 hits for human enemies in Ranger Hardcore is pretty much the same as 2033, though. Ballistics and weapon effectiveness on humans is much, much more realistic in Ranger Hardcore. For me, it's actually easier than "easy" because I can double-tap a bad guy and be all but positive they're dead... instead of dumping the rest of the mag into them. Artyom is very vulnerable as well, but hey, they can't kill what they can't see. :poly121:
  • Ark
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    Ark polycounter lvl 11
    Finished it here as well, just over 7hrs on Normal. Gonna try Ranger now.

    Gotta say I enjoyed 2033 more, the shooting is a little coddish for me in Last Light, I kinda like the shooting in 2033 more, reminded me of stalker.

    2033 also looks a lot better imho.

    Last Light seems a lot more actiony than 2033 and less focused.

    Still a great game overall, but can't help think it would have been better if they'd have kept it more focused and less mainstream shooter.
  • Ace-Angel
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    Ace-Angel polycounter lvl 12
    It's greatly exaggerated. Working conditions may not be perfect there, but compared to chinese sweatshops its quite okay
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14

    "Finally, the Developer pack aims to offer some additional tools aiding in exploration."
    I don't know if I'm misunderstanding but does this sound like possible "modding" ?
  • Paradan
    just finished this last night. loved the fact that a few areas took me a few tries to get through.

    overall I'd say Moscow looks pretty dam god considering we have over 90 warheads targeted at Moscow alone.
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