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UDK aftermath

polycounter lvl 8
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Dave3d polycounter lvl 8
Here is something I have been working on for about a month in between work and college, it still has lots of errors like the occasional floating mesh however I am going to clean it up at the end of the project
the video shows better quality than the images below due to imgur compressing them horribly

aftermath UDK V3 almost final - YouTube



    Looks really nice, reminds me of the highway level in Crysis 2.
  • Christian Nordgren
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    Christian Nordgren polycounter lvl 11
    I love the vegetation! :D
  • Clos323
    yeah really good job on vegetaion
  • Fozwroth
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    Fozwroth polycounter lvl 9
    now this is looking really nice! a few things popped in my head:

    maybe the ivy growing on the walls is slightly too dense? might be personal preference. maybe cut away some of the leaves that are really far away from the rest of the cluster? or do more of them so it evens out a little bit - referring to the second image, there are some leaves poking away pretty far.

    some of the smaller bushes has a little unlit feeling, probably due to spherized normals and a material based on the unlit lightning model I presume?.. maybe there is a way to get some shading back into them. also you got some pretty nice contrast going on the ivy, try to bring that into the bush texture as well :)

    the movement of the foliage has a pattern, I would look into trying to break that up a little

    good job on building volume, there are no apparent planes poking around so yeah, nice work :)

    don't know if you wanted feedback or not but these are just some small things I noticed!
  • Dave3d
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    Dave3d polycounter lvl 8
    thanks for the feedback fozwroth heres an update taking some of that on board
    still haven't had time to get rid of the movement pattern in the foliage yet however i will get onto that soon.
    I am almost ready to call it finished

    still need to build the lighting for this update but i will get onto that tommorow
  • Dave3d
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    Dave3d polycounter lvl 8
    some last minute feedback would be great :) heres where i am at now
    added new props (barbed wire/concrete barricade)
    redone the lighting to add more color variation
    made the ground look more swampy as it was intended to be
  • Amsterdam Hilton Hotel
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    Amsterdam Hilton Hotel insane polycounter
    pretty sick, although maybe a little too hard on the postprocessing, there seems to be a lot of areas getting blown out and the chromatic aberration is very noticeable. some hue variation in the foliage would be cool too. background has a nice sense of scale
  • sybrix
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    sybrix polycounter lvl 13
    I prefer your first set of screenshots to your more recent ones. The recent ones are looking very over-processed and blown out. The sky looks unnatural and not very post-apocalyptic, which is alright if you're going for a vibrant wasteland as opposed to gloomy... But even then that blue looks too over-bright to be real. Maybe tone the lighting down to bring some color back into the scene.

    I love the idea of this, 2nd image down on yesterday's post is an awesome composition.
  • Dave3d
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    Dave3d polycounter lvl 8
    thanks for the comments guys
    heres an update:
    I toned down the post process and remade the lighting.
  • Dave3d
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    Dave3d polycounter lvl 8
    here is the final version as I have to hand it in to college on Friday, however
    I need to do some more video editing this week
    I have tried to balance the post processing a little more as the last shots either had too much or needed some tweaking
  • Dave3d
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    Dave3d polycounter lvl 8
    heres an update:
    i tweaked the colour grading to be less blue
    rebuilt the lighting at higher quality
    reanimated some parts of the camera movement

    some feedback would be great although i have to call this finished for college
    i can carry over some feedback t my next project
  • Adam_Jarvis
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    Adam_Jarvis polycounter lvl 3
    Great project, love the atmosphere. The only thing I would say from the video is the Z-fighting from 1.40 is abit distracting. Other than that, awesome stuff :D
  • Dave3d
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    Dave3d polycounter lvl 8
    thanks for the comments guys :), an extra few days had been added to the deadline, so I worked more on the lighting which is hopefully better. previously I had around a hundred lights that were scattered around but now i have only one dominant light but with more bouncing round the scene which I think has made it look more realistic.
    *added more detail to the bridge
    *added some new assets like a small radio, girders for the bridge and cars ect
    *have optimized the scene textures and reduced the polycount increasing the fps drastically
    *reworked the ground mesh and ground water shader to make the scene less cluttered and to give the viewers eyes somewhere to rest
    *tweaked post process and lighting to add more colour and make it look less over the top.

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