Recently I got the chance to work on a vehicle to show off some of the cool stuff were doing at
Marmoset, naturally I went with a FLCL inspired Vespa SS 180. If you caught us at the GDC Polycount meetup, this is the model from the Skyshop and Toolbag 2 demos that we were showing off.
Fancy Modo renders of the highpoly:



The Vepsa texture was done about 98% with
dDo and nDo from Quixel, it was the first chance I had to use dDo extensively on an asset like this and I am really happy with the results.
And lowpoly textured shots lit with Skyshop image based lighting and shaders:

We should have a Unity web demo up soon showcasing the Vespa model with our Skyshop shaders and lighting system.
The renders are looking slick and I can't wait to try Skyshop sometime.
Also, that texture presentation:
And maybe diferent shapes for the texture presentation
Hehe yeah I've been wanting to model one for a long time. But now I want to own one!
Hey, this is actually a pretty cool idea. I'm not sure if we will be able to do it or exactly how it would work, but its a good idea nonetheless.
this presentation is so pimp..ima have to take this thing hostage..hope you dont mind if i try a similar set up.
Its hard to give a time number to it, because I spent a lot of time experimenting with different effects and getting used to how the app works. As I get more accustomed to using it that aspect will surely shrink in time.
But even then, its so quick and easy, specifically being able to edit diffuse, spec, gloss and height content all at once with easy little sliders and no need to copy paste between the various layer groups in photoshop, that saves a HUGE amount of time for me.
So it definitely saves a lot of time, and really for me makes texturing less of a hassle in general, it removes a lot of those little tedious steps that make setting up materials a real grind. That's what I like most about it.
Yeah no problem, feel free. I can't even take credit for it, Andres Reinot, one of our programmers at Marmoset came up with it while working on some promo material for Skyshop.
Now for something that I am really excited about. We've been working with the guys at Quixel to integrate Marmoset Skyshop into their awesome tools. The latest version of dDo is running Skyshop shaders for their 3d preview tool, which means you can preview how your textures will look in Marmoset Toolbag 1.09 directly from dDo.
Heres a shot:
We're getting close to release for Skyshop, so we should have some official information soon, but for now check out dDo for a preview of what is in store.
That is all...
Man, thats very awesome!
I replied with a few tidbits about new features that'll be in Marmoset, but I couldn't remember everything I'd read. And what I've read, I'm sure, is only a very small selection of things that'll be included. Is there a compiled list anywhere of how awesome Marmoset 2 will really be?
I have a question about the normal marmoset toolbag, is it possible to apply the specular based lighting there as easy as in skyshop? didnt find it.
Also the standalone marmoset toolbag allows you to add dynamic lights and have more control all together like setting up a scene.
This is actually a really good question. As stromberg mentions toolbag 1.09 offers a lot more than the quick previewer you get with dDo. dDo's previewer is great if you need to load a mesh and preview one texture set, however Marmoset Toolbag offers a lot more in terms of setting up custom lighting, dynamic lights, dealing with multiple textures/materials, multiple/complex shader types, post fx, and things like video and turntable export as well.
So really I would say, if you want a quick preview of your work, dDo is excellent, if you plan on doing a more complicated presentation, Toolbag is going to be more flexible.
From a company perspective, having Marmoset Skyshop tech running in dDo is great, the Quixel guys have done a great job making reflectance presets that work really well in Marmoset Toolbag, so getting our shaders directly in their tool makes matching up content from dDo to Toolbag that much easier. We really consider it a win-win.
Moving forward, Toolbag 2.0 is going to focus on higher-end rendering techniques with a revamped, much easier to use scene system that will make it much easier to manage complex assets/scenes. I can't really promise specifics about it now, but basically Toolbag 2.0 is the next step for us in terms of features and rendering quality.
I'm really not sure what you mean, Marmoset Toolbag 1.09 uses the same image based lighting for diffuse and specular reflections that Skyshop uses. To enable specular reflections you need to click the specular checkbox, for more on how the IBL system and material system works in toolbag check out: The material tutorial and the basic lighting tutorial.
We've been having some issues with our servers, trying to sort that out. For now just try again, or maybe try in a different browser?
not sure if it was asked already, will there be an export to web feature inside toolbag ?
something that exports out an html file with all necessary elements so anyone can integrate it easily to their website ?
if not, i think that would be a great feature. exporting unity object right out of toolbag would be great. of course one needs to have unity installed.
This is something we're looking into a little bit, but no concrete plans at the moment. Right now Toolbag and Skyshop are two totally different apps, but getting them to work together in some way may be an option down the line.
Marmoset Skyshop is a set of tools for generating image based lighting content from panoramic photos, plus a set of shaders that match the Toolbag rendering style, so you'll be able to use Skyshop in any Unity project that you like, be it a full on game, a web demo, or a mobile project (though mobile support is still beta).
We're waiting on the submission to clear through the Unity store, then we'll have an official announcement with more details about features.
Also Skyshop is officially released!