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Ah'Tak Ruins (UDK Env.)

Hi guys,
This project is for my Final Year Project at Stafford uni, and was highly influenced by a combination of the Cambodian Environments and the layout and lighting of Citra's Temple from Farcry 3. The main title of the project was to create a modular environment that uses weathering to both increase the realistic feel of the area and to break up repetition with the modular pieces.

Below Ive included just a few images which have been used as references to give a general Idea.


And a good lighting example from Citra's Temple


Ok So The environment i've created is still work in progress so there are errors, and any feedback at all whether good or bad would be greatly appreciated.


And an overview of the area just to show how its broken up.


My main points that i have noted down to work on are:
  • Rubble along the ground to make it seem more like ruins.
  • fix some of the textures and just tweak the majority of them.
  • With the blocks of rock, I need to work a chamfer in as some are too blocky.
  • Work more on the lighting to add more of an atmosphere.
  • Add vines and plants to break up the repetition of the grass abit more.


  • Aletse
    OK so an update.
    *Edited the lighting
    *Added a vine and edited existing plants
    *Played with all the textures
    *new mesh for the block that holds the fire to be less.... Well blockey xD


    Any crits would be greatly appreciated.
  • Aletse
    Further update where everything is reasonably complete.
    Some textures still need to be played with, some assets need to be taken into max and chamfered and the lighting can be played with to make it abit better.
    The Large statue needs a fair bit of work and maybe a complete change im not quite sure.
  • Yuke
    Offline / Send Message
    Yuke polycounter lvl 5
    Hey Aletse, great job here! I think the general style looks like something Age of Conan-esque, I like it! Just a few pointers I've thought of:

    - I really like the skybox, it adds a lot to that first image, would be nice to see it a bit more in some of the other screenies, maybe by having a bit less fog?

    - I like the addition of the stone slabs placed on the ground as well, that add some variation to the floor that makes it look more realistic and interesting.

    - The scene itself doesn't feel like it has a purpose behind it, why is it here? I understand it's a Cambodian ruin but.. if it was a hall leading to a boss room for example i'd expect there to be a huge detailed door to the entrance, right now its just a hall - why has it been built?

    - There should be some vegetation, like moss, on the roofing or the dirt, there is a lot in your reference images but none on your textures. I'd dirty them up a bit and give some vegetation, then maybe think about using decals to add more concentrated vegetation where the trees grow onto the roofing?

    - The statue could make a great centre piece, maybe if it wasn't as destroyed or had some cool moon light pointing down on it. You could possibly add some colour to it as well, but I'm not sure if that fits with the realism of the piece (would have to look at some references.)

    Hope this helps! :)
  • Aletse
    Thanks Yuke some brilliant points there definitely.
    All your points I shall work on in the next few days with the idea of the story I will give a good think about. It was based heavily off existing Cambodian architecture and it seems ive lost track along the way with giving it a necessary purpose so thank you for pointing that out.
    Some more weathering aswell is a very good observation and will be included as ill start sculpting some assets aswell just to make it that bit better.

    Thanks again
  • leleuxart
    Offline / Send Message
    leleuxart polycounter lvl 12
    Nice job tackling such a detailed structure. How many different assets did you make for it?

    The main thing that's standing out for me(aside from the focal point as mentioned by Yuke) is the atmosphere and mood. Some dramatic lighting would definitely help.

    Some of your textures look a little muddy and soft. The third shot, with the stairs, really shows that off.

    Your fire particles don't look too good as stills. They might be better animated, but check out this video by Doug Holder. Probably the best fire particle I've seen and it's a tutorial :thumbup:

    Keep it up!
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