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Mudbox to CE3

Hi there,

I'm making terrains using Mudbox, but the only way I can get it out of Mudbox is to extract a displacement map (16bit integer .tif) or (32bit floating point .tif) which can be used as heightmap, but displ maps aren't precise in details I get extra black/whites here and there.

Anybody knows another way to export from Mudbox straight to CE3?



  • repete
    Offline / Send Message
    repete polycounter lvl 6
    Honestly I had to buy world machine to do this without headaches, wm is an investment that you can't ignore and the extra control/manipulation over your dis maps from mudbox is unmissable, it's also a future proof addition to terrain creation.

    Make sure your "search distance" is correct, best guess in mudbox is crap imo. You have to use a lowpoly plane under your original (make sure you use this as your target model lowpoly) but make sure it's unselected before extraction, then use the translate tool (upwards) to get the distance from the floor to the top of your terrain (if your terrain has values under the floor level then you need to add this value to the overall bottom to top search distance) and make sure you check "test both sides". That will give you the correct "search distance".

    Save the dis map as 16bit integer .tif and use photoshop to covert to a raw 16 bit or an PGM (ASCll) file.

  • Maximum-Dev
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