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Fantasy Bust

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DrEnigma polycounter lvl 12
Im working on a womans bust and I would like some feedback on the sculpt before I move on to the more finer details =)

Im looking fo a more Tilda Swinton Michelle Fairley sort of look, only grittyer

Ill post the rerst of the model as I go.


  • DrEnigma
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    DrEnigma polycounter lvl 12

    some progress,

    Im planning on using noise make I think its called? for the armor padding and chainmail. Maybe for the more fine surfise bumping as well, but Ill se how high my polycount needs to be for that.
  • PyrZern
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    PyrZern polycounter lvl 12
    I think the face should be a bit softer. The muscle and tone makes it looks like either a guy or an old person... or both. See if you could make her face more feminine.
  • DrEnigma
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    DrEnigma polycounter lvl 12
    noisemaker was pretty powerfull stuff =D

    Hmm well I whant her to look weathered bur I'll see if I can make her gender more clear
  • DrEnigma
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    DrEnigma polycounter lvl 12

    it starts to look pretty nice
  • DrEnigma
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    DrEnigma polycounter lvl 12
    I have retopped baket and started textureing, but my plans on putting it in cryengine have bin slowd down by wierd problems with the textures >.<
    anyway here is the model in other shadersPaddingtile2.jpg
  • DrEnigma
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    DrEnigma polycounter lvl 12

    Got it to cryengine, still crapp om the fourhead and the spec isent done
  • DrEnigma
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    DrEnigma polycounter lvl 12

    the fish eye lens is annoying, but apart from that its pretty okey
  • DrEnigma
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    DrEnigma polycounter lvl 12

    there is the final render =D
    the model is here tesselated, I wonder if thats okey to havein the portfolio? sens the texxelation sort of hides my ability to make a smooth siluette
  • Meteora
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    Meteora polycounter lvl 8
    Disclaimer, I'm just a recent graduate. Don't take my commentary too seriously.

    I don't see why you wouldn't put it on your portfolio. You already put the effort into making the character. However having said that, the character doesn't look pretty like your typical female characters you see, which can be a good or bad thing. Good thing is its different. Bad thing is its not appealing to look at, because its not pretty.

    I always feel like its risky to try to do something that is inherently old or ugly. Or both.

    Now to speak objectively (aka my opinion) about your character. She looks dead because there's no secularity in her eyes. It looks lifeless. The eyes needs to have some reflection and because there it ISN'T catching any of that reflection, it feels very uncanny, on top a face that already FEELS uncanny. The reflection on the face seems a bit too intense. It looks like her face is glossy plastic, or well just sweating a lot. Don't have much else to comment other than I think it could be better lit, feels a little dark.
  • DrEnigma
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    DrEnigma polycounter lvl 12

    thanks for the feedback =)
    well my teachers told me I needed to be more memerable and do more caracteristic stuff, but I dont know either wat is really needed :S I did alot of more generic stuff before, but this time I tried to go out there so to say.

    I have adjusted the spec and moved the light so that the reflection can be seen in the eyes. is it better?

    I felt the highpoly lookt much better, with this one there is defenetly something fishy. anyway, the next one will be better :P
  • Meteora
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    Meteora polycounter lvl 8
    I know what you mean. One of my teacher was like that as well, he'd be saying how some of the recruiters he talked to were getting tired of "seeing another generic half-naked Elfish woman, I want to see something like a old woman smoking a cigarette". I'm inclined to agree with that to a certain extent. I still think pretty people is better, you just need to give them characters. Maybe this will play to your strengths. Ultimately its your portfolio and there's nothing stopping you from doing what you want.

    Yeah, eyes are better. The "sclera" or commonly known as "white of the eye" is uh... dark. I didn't know why I didn't bring that up. If she was a normal human she'd have white eyes around her pupils. Because its so dark right now, the eyes are still very hard to read.

    As for your high poly one, from what I notice the lips are much more refined and less flat than in your low poly one. There are probably some other differences but I'm not too sure of it.
  • DrEnigma
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    DrEnigma polycounter lvl 12

    there, more white in the eye and visable reflection, I allsow tryd to change the UV for the better for the upper lip.
  • KristaW
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    KristaW polycounter lvl 9
    Hmmm, this bust really grew on me as I went down through this thread and I have to say I found it really appealing by the end.

    At first I didn't realize this was a woman because I wasn't reading the comments :poly122: but now I definitely see it in the last render. She looks like an androgynous 50 year old woman and I like that. Her spec on her face is too high in my opinion. Combined with her paleness and the darkness it makes me think that she lives in a very moist cave. That definitely makes it interesting but I'm not sure if that is what you were trying to achieve. Speaking of the skin, it looks amazing. I can see that you have very subtle color zones, not sure if you meant to do that or if you are just very observant but you have the yellow on the forehead, red in the middle and blue around the mouth, chin, and eyes and it really sells the believability of the skin!

    If I had any critiques to give I would say the puffy fabric of the outfit (the red and green part) is the part of the bust that is the weakest. I don't really buy the wrinkles above the first belt on the arm and there is some weird texture stretching happening.

    Overall though I would say this was successful if you were going for something unusual. I love unusual things so it might be why I find this so damn appealing.
  • DWalker
    The eyes remain too dark; the whites of the eye should appear white, not a dirty grey. If you're trying to age the eye, a faint bit of yellow to the sclera or a clouding of the cornea would work. The specular also appears to be in the wrong spot, as though the eye is a sphere without a corneal bulge. This link has a nice explanation and a simple non-geometry fix: http://grinning-tiger.com/2013/03/24/eye-specular-highlights-the-pixar-problem/.

    The lighting overall feels too stark, appearing to come from a single source with neither a filler nor an ambient. This causes the shadows around the ear and the nostrils too feel too deep, and the bones to appear far too prominent.

    The hair is distinctly masculine. Short hair is acceptable in an older woman, but a buzz-cut is unnatural. I'd also expect at least a few gray hairs mixed amongst the black.
  • DrEnigma
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    DrEnigma polycounter lvl 12

    Im fixing the jawline, hoping that would help her not look to fishy
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