Hello Polycount, I'm a new member and need your help for my portfolio. I've just build my first website (ever) and started kicking my stuffs online. Such a shame,the only thing I can do is copy the layout from other members's portfolio.
Please, give me some advice about both my artworks and website. Really want to learn from other people's ideas.
Thank you :poly142:
The image branding is a bit excessive, maybe just have the header and tail part of it on the first and last pics of a set. Your logo/name branding is a bit big, and the D is hard to read for some reason. Since your name does not pull up your portfolio website with a google search, you might want to list your website URL with the images. The title box is a bit large and boring as well.
I love the 2 hand painted scenes and the mech concept art, get some more work of that quality finished and you'll be able to land a job.
Clicking on an image brings up a smaller version of the picture; this is pretty much the opposite of what I'd expect.
Did you render the game environments in Max/Maya, or in a game engine? If it's in-game, you should probably indicate which engine.
The bronze cannon material doesn't look like bronze. You might also want to darken the texture or add some verdigris to add age.
I don't agree that you need to get rid of the SAM, but it doesn't seem to match the original. (I'm assuming it's an S75 Dvina/SA-2 Guideline). The fins - especially the large ones near the middle of the missile - don't have the same shape as the original. The weathering on the missile itself is odd. The dark streaks near the middle almost seem to be from exhaust, and I can't tell what the black blob ahead of the middle fins is meant to be.
On your resume page, you should include an education section, especially as you mention that you are a graduate student. The "Training outside university" belongs in the education section rather than the work experience section.