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Is the degree in hand necessary?.

Just a question, maybe someone can answer/give some insight: I completed all the course work at my school ( I went for Game Art) and passed all the classes; I even walked at the graduation ceremony!

But, the only thing I haven't done, is finish paying a small fee to the school ( it's a couple hundred bucks) that i couldn't pay/forgot about. So, even though I technically passed all the classes, I haven't had my BS sent home. Would this little factoid impede my chances of getting a job in the industry? I've been submitting my work to places and listed on my resume that I have the BS; have I been wrong in submitting stuff with that listed? Any advice you fine folks can give would be appreciated.


  • EarthQuake
    No. Nobody is going to ask for you to bring your degree in and show it to them, unless its for visa purposes or something of that nature.
  • ZacD
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    ZacD ngon master
    You don't need a degree to get a job in the industry, unless you are trying to get work in another country. The most important thing is your portfolio. I wouldn't list that you have the BS, just that studied and graduated from there, and briefly explain what happened when/if you have an interview.
  • bakednormals
    Thank you kindly. For a second there, I thought my ulcer was going to act up.
  • nathdevlin
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    nathdevlin polycounter lvl 12
    Just to add a different view. I agree that a Degree will not be asked for and is not a specific requirement to get a job in games. After I'd assume 4 years of the course and who knows how much in fees why not finalise everything to validate your effort. You never know when in life you may regret not spendin that couple of hundred bucks. I'd imagine its less significant than the effort , time and money you've already invested.

    I don't know the details of your situation but its worth considering.
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