So I'm working on this Sten Gun as a quick break from another project, trying to get something modelled in a decent amount of time. Below is my HP so far. I'd appreciate any crits - especially on the proportions of the parts, before I move on the sculpting in weld marks/wear etc.
Current progress:

Not sure if you've seen it, but the sten is one of the few guns out there that has full machining plans on the internet:
Some very handy reference of each individual part there with accurate measurements
Looks good! The stock looks a little flimsy and curvy though?
Yeah the silenced one is nice..
And I did wonder about the stock being too flimsy looking. I will bulk it up when I come back to this. At the moment I'm doing the grip on an L96 rifle and it makes me want to hurt myself :poly142:
But it looks very good so far. Love the welding seams.
Any other proportion mistakes you could point out? This was my original worry, as I just kinda eyeballed rather than using any blueprints or whatever...
You need no blueprints. Just a good eye. And way better and more references.
I'm an asshole. I know.
Due to how tight your hipoly is, at even the slight distance in your renders, the edges are lost, therefore the hipoly resolution diminishes to almost nothing.
Posting this commonly used example;
The issue is, that the thinner pieces I chamfered can be chamfered no more. Should I make them thicker to compensate for this?
I could use support loops, but there is a limit before the corner becomes distorted... Assuming I dont put a loop down the middle, the loop should be below the edge about the same distance between the top two edges (if that makes sense). That way you get a nice averaged curve. If it's below this the corner begins to sort of droop. Maybe the below helps illustrate it. Anyway if there is a better way or I am doing something wrong, please let me know