Welcome to the Monthly Noob Challenge 7!

Please read all the rules.
This may seem like it's pretty complicated, and if you are starting out it can be overwhelming, so take it piece by piece. This can be broken down into a segments. Think about what will be unique, what will be tiled, what kinda textures you'll need to make, just plan before you go. Set your standards high for your work, do your best.
PLEASE look at the ref, and work hard to get the blockout right. Take your time before you dive into it and plan, this will make your life easier.
All that matters is that you learn and give and get advice and are willing to be critiqued.
So here are the specific rules:
Must make your own textures, no stealing, we can't keep you from it, but the goal is to learn, even tileables, I mean you can take someone else's image and make it tileable, that's fine.
You must use a game engine OBVIOUSLY. UDK or Cryengine will probably be the most used.
You must try your best and finish as much as you can in this month.
Post what you are working on in this thread so that way it's a more centralized place for advice and critique and we don't have 1000 disjointed threads littering the forums.
Well that's about it, if you think the rules should be changed let us know.
I would strongly encourage you to go and look at other games and see how they make their assets as well as get concept art to give it your own feel, but it must stay very close to the concept, if not super close.
Please stay away from Ddo, yeah, it's great if you know what you're doing, and for a production pipeline supplement, but other than that, please don't use it. Ndo2 is allowed. This was talked about in the other thread, please don't complain.
Have fun!
PS: I am extremely familiar with Cryengine and can answer probably any question you happen to have when using it. Furthermore ask anything to anyone here, combined there is a wealth of knowledge. Cryedev is a massive source of knowledge as well.
Means I'am not in the challenge but I can also post my WIP's now and then if I'm allowed to.
Good luck to everyone!
Go go go!
post ettttt
Good luck to everyone with their final's. I can remember how stressful it was and how annoying it was that there were multiple challenges going on at the same time...
As I already said, I started of 3 days ago with this and had to fought a bit to get the scale an perspective right.
Here is what I have so far, rendered in UDK:
The main thing I want to learn with this is to do nice water and vegetation because both are things I've didn't done often before this. (like...once^^)
Here are some flats of my vegetation and terrain textures:
And this is how my vegetation meshes look in max. Just a quick screengrab:
All the vegetation is on one texture atm except for the main grass wich is on another sheet.
Alright, thats all for the moment.
I like your take on the towers. Very ornate.
wow your vegetation looks really awesome.
I never made plants before, so i hope i can make good ones too.
I like this ConceptArt. I am very excited about it ^^
It`s my first time, i join such a challenge.
(Please excuse my bad english)
I've done a quick pass at marking out the different pieces for the scene,
Its a pretty basic break down. I figured i'd try and keep the different assets as modular as possible, as i know i need the practice on modular pieces.
I've also done a very quick block out of the gate, using sketch-up, sadly I don't have access to anything better at work, but will give me a base to work off of when I get home.
The textures are just stand in, as I will need to work on those as well.
I'm not really sure if it'll be WoW-like painted textures, will have to see
Gonna get cracking on this tomorrow when i get back, can't wait!
Still needs some work, but was really good practice making my own tiling texture.
Not sure on the spec yet, but haven't really played around with the lighting in the scene or anything, so I can see i'm going to be changing it, probably a lot.
Block-Out time...
This just being a WIP, probably gonna have to break up some of the longer bricks a bit more and some more color variation.
So to start here is my breakdown, and a scene blockout.
You've got the scale down quite nicely. How do you intend to create your floor/terrain? Modeled out and developed as assets or within the Cryengine?
Giving it a quick shape in Zbrush or using the terrain generator in CryEngine.
I wanted to learn CryEngine with the help of this challenge so maybe the terrain generator would be the best way.
I'm gonna use this project to explore the terrain features within UDK.
I hope to make next month's challenge my first CE3 project.
This is my first attempt at something like this, looking forward to it
Here's my breakdown:
Here's where I'm at right now, just trying to get the scale of everything
Here is my breakdown:
And the quick blockout:
You are welcome to critique so far. I was trying to work out some lighting and the POV. And tonight I plan to finish collecting my reference images. Will post that later. I'm Excited!
I know there are a fair few proportions to change in order to hit the angles that those outer walls are making.
Cant wait to get in UDK and start playing around with the Terrain tools.
Here is my general layout.
So now that I've posted something, I have to finish it
I'm using Unity for this.
The translation to UDK was crazy. My camera position was well off. Max tricked me with it's FOV
Gonna hunt about for a good Terrain tutorial.
I am new here and this is my first time i join one of this challenges.
The theme looks great and i am very excited about it.
@sub_roland i like your wall texture. looks great.
i tried the texture for the path, but i am not satisfied.
so i started with the lowpoly of the wall and gate.
unfortunately i didn`t build it modular, like i wanted to.
and this is my texture for the path.
i am not so good at painting on pc.
next i will make the path better and with normalMap.
And then i go to the grass.^^
I face some FOV issue like LANKUS MAXIMUS, the one in 3dsMax what not the same that the one used in CryEngine.
So I changed a little bit the blockout to fix that, do you think it's ok like that ?
Nice to see that a lot of people are joining this challenge
I think it looks pretty spot on. I think your walls are at larger angles than the concept's but i think that's a good thing. And it looks like your ref character block is right on scale.
I think I will work a little more on it before starting doing vegetation.
I will post update during the weekend
So I am going to jump into this. it's my first challenge and my first (well actually my second environment the first never got past the blockout stage) . *shrug* So I have a few questions
1) How close do I/we need to stay to the color palette of the concept art?
2) I am thinking about first hand painting my textures ,then basing my sculpts off of those paintings rather than sculpting first then painting. Is this a reasonable approach? Excited for this and looking forward to communicating with you guys
This is my first challenge i will do my best. ^ ^
[IMG]http://www.polycount.com/forum/<a href=http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/543/breakdownq.jpg/ target=_blank>[/img]
This is my very first challenge
I decided to enter this challenge in order to get familiar with a game engine (cryengine) and bump in as many problems i can during this.
The first problem hit me after 5 minutes of starting the setup for maya. I am on maya 2013.5 and can't get the export plugin (MayaCryExport22013_64) to work for this version.
As for the rest, there is not much to show except this (maya screenshot)
With this challenge i am trying to learn as much as i can about importing assets into a game engine and not testing my modeling/texturing skills. So, i don't think there will be any sculpting or very impressive texture work but i hope you will understand this and help me during the cryengine part as for that i have no clue or experience.
Thank you guys and have fun !
Still working on last months but definitely going to give this a shot.
Cheers and good luck all!
image was resized for loading's sake. My photos are all high res
I never done an environment. I liked the concept very much and I'm thinking on try this. I don't know how to start
Re-worked my dimensions. I think it's a lot closer now.
The concept scene is surprisingly smaller than how i had originally interpreted it...
Gonna work on the terrain for the rest of the day. Hopefully start making some assets tomorrow.