Very nice metal ! I just think this hammer looks a little bit like a plastic ( I mean this holder, sorry for PRO english ). Maybe there is too much specular.
Did you beveled the edges on the anvil? I just can't see this on the wireframe
Mr Significant- I hear what you're saying about the hammer. Originally i was going to make a much older and worn down handle but I liked the way it shined, kind of felt like a varnished surface. But when I really think about it a shiny varnished handled doesn't really match the scene. So I might have to change that.
And yes the edges of the anvil are beveled.
Mr Whippy and Tobbo- the anvil is bolted down so it wont fall off the log, but I guess it is tall enough for the whole thing to topple over. I saw some reference with leather straps holding/tying them both to the ground. It look pretty cool, so maybe I will add in down the line.
Did you beveled the edges on the anvil? I just can't see this on the wireframe
Only thing I never like is anvils on tall logs. The centre of gravity = likely to topple over if you pull or lean on it hard = ouch!
Pretty sure when I've seen working anvils on logs the log is about twice as 'fat' as that... hmmm.
Nice work!
@Mr Whippy it looks like the anvil is bolted into the stump. So I don't think you would have to worry about it falling off.
Mr Significant- I hear what you're saying about the hammer. Originally i was going to make a much older and worn down handle but I liked the way it shined, kind of felt like a varnished surface. But when I really think about it a shiny varnished handled doesn't really match the scene. So I might have to change that.
And yes the edges of the anvil are beveled.
Mr Whippy and Tobbo- the anvil is bolted down so it wont fall off the log, but I guess it is tall enough for the whole thing to topple over. I saw some reference with leather straps holding/tying them both to the ground. It look pretty cool, so maybe I will add in down the line.