Noob question here. So I'm trying to bring low poly game meshes into ZBrush to sculpt. The flow of topology isn't smooth and it shows when the mesh is subdivided and sculpted on. What's the best way to even out the topology on the mesh so the mesh looks good when sculpted? Do I use dynamesh? unified skin? adaptive skin? I've watched a few tutorials but I'm confused which to use. Also, another question. Why does adaptive skin not show up on my tool palette sometimes?
We have some basemeshes here, and info about making them
Just bring in the old mesh and dynamesh it, start sculpting away, then use qremesher to get your quads back(so you can subdivide to get a nice smooth surface). You'll have to edit the original mesh to match the new silhouette and then bake the normals.
original mesh
dynameshed at 512 resolution