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Zbrush Quicktips & Tutorials from Harford - Bullet holes

polycounter lvl 7
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Harford polycounter lvl 7
After the great feedback I got on my free tracker knife tutorial series I decided to continue posting more youtube videos exploring some of my techniques in a variety of software. Aimed at beginner to intermediate artists and hopefully some advanced ones can pick up a thing or two as well.

I will keep this thread up-to-date with the tips as and when I add them. Any requests or comments I am happy to hear them.

Starting off with the first quicktip for creating bullet holes ( and other decals ), including creating your own icons and brush libraries.



  • pior
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    pior grand marshal polycounter
    Hi there ! Very cool and straight to the point :)

    I wonder if this could benefit from a transcript too ? Not necessarily a full text transcript of the video - more like a collage/diagram clarifying where things are supposed to be saved, what are the main sliders to play with to change the brush behavior, and so on. A companion reference card, so to speak. That would be a perfect combination !
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Cool stuff! Agree with Pior. Maybe some text in the video real quick. Just saying what's where, etc.
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