Hey guys! I recently did a character art test for Riot, the limits were 8k polys and 1 2k texture. I know I would have been able to have fewer polys but because I had to do this in 2 weeks I decided not to stress about it

And this was the first time I do handpainted textures.
C&C welcome and appreciated!

Figured I should post my sculpt and initial sketch
as always C&C welcome and appreciated!
JDunay, hah I just turned it in on friday, and I am pretty sure they are dealing with a heap of character art tests! so no word yet, and im pretty sure they would want to interview me first lol.
Iciban: Thanks man
Im pretty disappointed with Riot. Quite pissed actually, They ask people to do art test which takes up time and resources, and they do not even have the decency to send you a No answer, Ofcourse after 2 months of not a word, I am fully convinced that I did not get any further, but a general "No" sorry try again later when you are better would have left my respect for the company. It is quite frustrating (And I did mail the art test 2x with a month in between to make sure that they had it and would hopefully at least give me a No). /endrant