Hi everyone !
i'm doing my first UDK scene for my portfolio so i'm would like some return for my wip^^
i'm not good in concept so i use one of Wang Rui.

I just finished the first week of work in it, i already do all the modeling except the foliage, and the center tree, i'm currently working on the final shading and i'll start the lighting this week.

P.S: sorry for my english :poly121:
I can not work much on this project today i hope to finish the tree landmark tomorrow.
I make a quick try for the lighting and the postprocess , I will start the shading from now i made some research but nothing really advanced.
Here is the result :
And here is my waterflow shader :
I see this shading effect in bioshock infinite and i really want to try something to get this
Hope you like it !
I'd also add a few streams of water from the roof tiles.