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Seeking Concept Artists and 2D Artists

Hello! My name is Ethan, and I am looking for enthusiastic help for the 2D RPG project titled Project Era. The premise of this game is to include a traditional RPG adventure that is a reminder of the "Golden Age" of RPGs in the 90's, as well as to add in new features that makes the game interesting for gamers new to the genre. With these two gaming groups in mind, Project Era revolutionizes the general layout of an RPG, transforming every playthrough into a unique challenge. The main theme of the game follows four strangers as they unleash a time travelling misadventure through four time periods. There's so much more to it though, but I'll try to cover the basics.


-New Level Up System
...This new system makes every playthrough unique to each and every player. The ability to make the game as challenging as you wish, and the options to control your character's stats make for a welcome addition from the standard RPG adventure.

-A Truly Unique Battle System
...To go along with the new level up system, a new twist has been put on the usual battle simulator. Luck, strategy, and skill are tested in every fight as you make your way through the storyline.

-Music to Remember
...Due to being a time travelling based game, the music had a great chance to be redone in a special way. In each time period, all the regular songs in the game are remixed to fit into the time period in which they are used. For example, a song in the present will be remixed to be an 8Bit version to be used in that same location in the past. The same thing happens in the future too- except the song gets an orchestrated remix.

-A Humorous Script
...Something a good RPG needs is a good script. Our's is not finished yet, but is coming along great with a fun storyline, various plot twists, and a mix of seriousness and comedy along the way. A colorful cast of characters is also included.

After all of this talk about what each department of the game offers, there is still just one missing link- the artwork. Since our current team and project is somewhat small, we can't afford professional artwork help. We are looking for helpful volunteers who can help make the game stand out. Particularly, we are searching for enviromental artists and concept artists (for everything from buildings and maps, to logo and character art). Even if you are not either of these two groups, please think about helping out anyway- we need as much help as we can get!

About the Rest of the Team...

The Project Era team is small, but filled with enthusiastic people willing to lend their talents. There are several programmers, musicians, and writers, all of which are trying their best to make the game the best that it can be. Our art department is lacking however. All that we will ask from new art volunteers is that they follow the same art style and focus on the same level of quality throughout. Whether that art style ends up being pixel sprites or a hand drawn style is up to the majority of those who apply with those skills.

The actual game making process is fairly new, our team has recently gotten together, and progress is nearly beginning. Things are looking good however, and things are on track for a stable team experience. That can't happen without your help though!

Getting in Contact...

It's easy to get in contact with our team! Please email me at wheatthinethan@gmail.com. I check my email several times a day, and it won't be long before you get a reply. Once members are on the team though, we have a private team forum you can share your pieces on. Although that option is there, most of the progress goes on behind the scenes through emails or Skype (whichever works best for you).

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please reply to that email listed above. I will do my best to answer you the best that I can! I will also be able to send you game documents that describe the main layout of the game features and storyline plot. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon!

~Ethan (Producer / Lead Writer)
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