Hey people
A question to the people who have attained work overseas. Where do you start?
I'm currently looking for work in the UK now that my studies are over and I'm certain I want my first studio job to be UK based but my goal has always been to move overseas and not limit myself within the UK.
So where do you start?
How did people tackle the geographical impairment when it comes to interviews?
Do studio's accommodate you moving etc...?
Any advice or insight would be helpful or even links to tip pages etc...
Some companies, especially in very exotic locations, prefer to hire people who've been there at least once and spent some time. Nobody wants you to get culture shock and leave after the probation time after investing in relocation, plane tickets, etc.
How easy it is also depends where the company is located and how much your skills are in demand. Moving from the UK to the EU is pretty hassle free as you can move and work wherever you want within the EU. If you want to experience a different country then this would be your best option since you're just done studying (unless you have a really insanely kickass folio). Also benefits (employment time, pension, health) are transferable. That's not always the case with non EU countries.
Other countries, especially western ones, which are not part of the EU can be more of a hassle to get into. US can be quite difficult if you don't have the right immigration lawyer and university degrees.
So insightful :P The same goes for any studio I'm sure ^^
I'd like to know more about the process, places to look, pitfalls and such
Even coming from Canada to the US which would seem fairly easily comparatively like Kwramm said if you dont have the right degree or experience theyll deny you at the border.
Getting a company to sponsor you is necessary unless you plan to naturalize.
Not sure about EU or other countries. Hopefully that info is somewhat helpful
What about Canada? I a more interest for Canada.
So where do you start?
Well first of, you apply to the companies. They'll probably contact you if they're interested and you guys set up some kind of phone-interview. This usually works like a regular interview, you and their recruiter, AD or whatever talk for a bit about your resum
I am more interest in Canada.
Within the EU is pretty simple if you're a European citizen. As a graduate you should be very skilled to have a chance though. If you're not a European, it will be tricky if you have 0 experience (plenty of decent, local graduates to pick from).
Does studio really help you with visa and sponsoring, including place to live?